Well the pawn structure looks possible, if not yet the getting all the pieces in position.
As white hasn't captured, the pawn on c7 must be the c-pawn.
Seven white men lost, so that enables the black h-pawn to capture four times, and three between a- and c-pawns. Two to the former too. The h-pawn can be all pawns, leaving the other three captures to be the white black-squared bishop, the b-pawn on b6 and a promoted a-pawn.
The black a-pawn must capture before the c-pawn, if the latter takes first all three captures must be made before the a-file if free for promotion. An impossibility.
Therefore the pawn on c5 is actually the a-pawn. The white pawn must have made c6 before b6xc5, and cannot move forward until c7 is evacuated by cxb6.
So the rook must have come via d6.
Struggling with the untangling the cluster then. Only possible last black move could have been exd2 (a pawn).
Stuck there for now.