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Mate in 6

Mate in 6

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A. Kraemer

White mates in 6

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Originally posted by BigDoggProblem
A. Kraemer
[fen]q7/n2BNp2/5k1P/1p5P/1p2RP2/1K6/8/8 w - - 0 1[/fen]
White mates in 6
Nice! Black suffers of a tough "zugzwangitis"!

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I saw it right away.

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Interesting puzzle, though the moves are pretty forced on black's account.

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Originally posted by ilywrin
Interesting puzzle, though the moves are pretty forced on black's account.
It's really not that hard. But it does have a nice logic to it.

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I don't know all that much, ut what about:
1 ... Qxe4

That seems like a good move for black to me:

1. Queen isn't under attack
2. King isn't under attack
3. Knight on a7 guards against 2 Bb5
4. Queen guards against 2 Kb4

Plus, with 2 ... Qxf4 (assuming blacck doesn't play 2 Ng6) black would be up 7pts

He could win with:

1 ... Qxe4
2 Ng6 Qd4
3 h7 Qxf4
4 h8-Q+ Kg5
5 Qa8 Qc4+
6 kb2 Qd4+
7 Kb1 Kh5
8 Qc8 Kxg6
9 Bf5+ Kh6
10 Qe6+ fxe6
(white no longer has the peices to win)
11 Bxe6 b3
12 Bf5 b2
13 Ka2 Qf4
14 Bd3 Qe3
15 Bc2 Qd2
16 Bb1 Qc1
(this would probably go on until a 50-move draw)

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Originally posted by webmaren
I don't know all that much, ut what about:
1 ... Qxe4

That seems like a good move for black to me:

1. Queen isn't under attack
2. King isn't under attack
3. Knight on a7 guards against 2 Bb5
4. Queen guards against 2 Kb4

Plus, with 2 ... Qxf4 (assuming blacck doesn't play 2 Ng6) black would be up 7pts

He could win with:

1 ... Qxe4
2 Ng6 ...[text shortened]... a2 Qf4
14 Bd3 Qe3
15 Bc2 Qd2
16 Bb1 Qc1
(this would probably go on until a 50-move draw)
It's white to move first.

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I couldn't find it, nor could my computer...

enlighten me masterbrains

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1.Re3! Black has difficulty watching both the g8 and d5 squares. If he loses control of either, White has an N mate waiting. 1...Qg2 The only move. 2.Bg4! Cuts off the Q from g8, and takes advantage of a selfblock after 2...Qxg4? 3.Nd5+ Kf5 4.Re5#. 2...Qa8 3.Re5! The Bishop holds f3, and the Rook covers f5 in case Black decoys the wB away. 3...Qd8 4.Bd7! Qa8 5.Re4!! And White has restored the diagram position, but with Black to move. Black can no longer hold both the g8 and d5 squares, and will be mated next move.

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