When a positive integer N is written in base 9, it is a two-digit number. Wnen 6N is written in base 7, it is a three-digit number obtained from the two-digit number by writing 4 to its right. Find the decimal representations of all such numbers N.
Does that mean the two-digit number of base 9 and the three-digit number of base 7 both contain one "4"?
Please explain.
Originally posted by ardnasBy 6N do you mean 6xN or the 6N (as in concatenation of N after 6)?
When a positive integer N is written in base 9, it is a two-digit number. Wnen 6N is written in base 7, it is a three-digit number obtained from the two-digit number by writing 4 to its right. Find the decimal representations of all such numbers N.
Does that mean the two-digit number of base 9 and the three-digit number of base 7 both contain one "4"?
Please explain.
Originally posted by ardnasOK, here's my list of numbers (decimal - Nbase9/6*Nbase7):
When a positive integer N is written in base 9, it is a two-digit number. Wnen 6N is written in base 7, it is a three-digit number obtained from the two-digit number by writing 4 to its right. Find the decimal representations of all such numbers N.
Does that mean the two-digit number of base 9 and the three-digit number of base 7 both contain one "4"?
Please explain.
10 - 11/114
24 - 26/264
So it's not necessary to have a 4 in both numbers. Explaination to follow when I figure it out.