Originally posted by deriver69The melon because in England, for reasons I don't understand, we call the first floor the ground floor, the second foor the first floor etc. So in London the second floor is one floor higher than in the US.
If a melon is dropped from a second floor window in New York and at exactly the same time a lemon dropped from a second floor window in London which one hits the ground first?
Originally posted by howardbradleyAbsolutely correct. And I personally think for once the americans are far more logical
The melon because in England, for reasons I don't understand, we call the first floor the ground floor, the second foor the first floor etc. So in London the second floor is one floor higher than in the US.
Originally posted by deriver69Yes, I believe every part of the watermelon is edible, even the seeds.
Actually on the subject of melons, are you meant to eat the seeds of watermelons or spit them out?
Edit: Wikipedia says: "Watermelon seeds are rich in fat and protein, and are widely eaten as a snack, added to other dishes, or used as an oilseed".
Originally posted by deriver69I like the 'zeroth floor' implication of calling it the Ground Floor. It means if you are going up in a lift (rather than an elevator, obviously!) you go up 8 floors to get to the 8th floor. It also means that the first basement can be called floor -1, the one below that is floor -2 and so on. [The flip-side, I suppose, is that an 8-storey building goes up to the 7th floor in the UK, but the 8th floor in the US.]
Absolutely correct. And I personally think for once the americans are far more logical
While we are on the subject of numbering conventions in tall buildings, I also like the idea that there exists a floor in between the 12th floor and the 14th floor.