A new thing.
You set up a position on a chessboard and you have
to guess the song that inspired it.
Jut name the artist, make up the position and we have to guess it.
(you can add a wee clue in the title if you want to).
3 examples all from Bob Dylan.
No1 is so easy.
Only a Pawn in Their Game
No2. Every King on the 5th rank is in checkmate. Therefore it's......
Desolation Row
No3. This is a deep one. White to play.
Dont Think Twice its Alright
Originally posted by greenpawn34I was about to say 'Queen Jane Approximately' because the queens pass by so fast...
What song is the Knight on h1 singing?
However, hitting 'reply and quote' shows certain hidden text messages, which tell me, I had the wrong guess.
Which in turn now lets me hide from you my wrong guess...
Edit: I am still fiddling around with the 'hidden' command...
08 Dec 10
Originally posted by greenpawn34I'll play.
A new thing.
You set up a position on a chessboard and you have
to guess the song that inspired it.
Jut name the artist, make up the position and we have to guess it.
(you can add a wee clue in the title if you want to).
The song is sung by either of the white pieces.
Stealers Wheel - Stuck in the Middle with You
Good, but think it only fair if we gave the artist.
I thought it might be HELP! by the Beatles
or Rooks Around The Clock by Bill Hailey and The Comets.
If you had said Steelers Wheel I think I would have got it.
A famous song from 'West Side Story.'
\'To Night To Night won\'t be like any Night.\'
You can have loads of fun with this idea.
A chess columist was given the job to report on a football match.
All he produced was three diagrams.
Who was playing. What was the result.
Russia v Hungary and it was a draw