Here's some more:
1 ;1
11 ;2
21 ;2
1211 ;4
111221 ;6
312211 ;6
13112221 ;8
1113213211 ;10
31131211131221 ;14
13211311123113112211 ;16
11131221133112132113212221 ;22
3113112221232112111312211312113211 ;30
1321132132111213122112311311222113111221131221 ;42
The sequence on the right is the amount of digits in each row. Can anyone fit a formula to that series?
Just a guess: each term describes the number of times each digit appears in the previous term, with the exception of the first term, which is defined as 1?
11 (one one)
21 (two ones)
1211 (one two, one one)
111221 (one one, one two, two ones)
Interestingly, I don't think it is possible to ever get a four to appear here. Does that sound right?
Originally posted by royalchickenHmm, too easy 😉
Just a guess: each term describes the number of times each digit appears in the previous term, with the exception of the first term, which is defined as 1?
11 (one one)
21 (two ones)
1211 (one two, one one)
111221 (one one, one two, two ones)
Interestingly, I don't think it is possible to ever get a four to appear here. Does that sound right?
I don't know about a four coming up, but looking at the other posts, it doesn't seem that it'll appear in a row.
In fact, note that any three digit sequence in a term becomes a two digit one in the next term, two digits ones become two-digit ones, and one digits ones become one-digit ones. So if you know the relative frequencies of one-, two-, and three-digit blocks you can find an easy asymptotic estimate of the number of digits in the nth term...any guesses here? I'll tell you if you're right...