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series helpmate

series helpmate

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series-helpmate in 19 moves.

In a series-helpmate, Black plays several moves consecutively to reach a position where White can mate in 1. Black may never put his own King in check, nor may he give check to White's King until the final move of the sequence (when White finally gets to move and can answer the check).

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I guess I didnt understand the problem. What is series-helpmate? One solution for a helpmate would be
1. Nf3 Kb1
2. Nd4 Ka1
3. Ne2 e6
4. Nc3 d5
5. Rb2 e5
6. Rb1 mate

And I can see alot more than that. But I'm sure there is something wrong with it. 😕

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Originally posted by crazyblue
I guess I didnt understand the problem. What is series-helpmate? One solution for a helpmate would be
1. Nf3 Kb1
2. Nd4 Ka1
3. Ne2 e6
4. Nc3 d5
5. Rb2 e5
6. Rb1 mate

And I can see alot more than that. But I'm sure there is something wrong with it. 😕
I think the 'series-helpmate' means that white does not move while black makes a series of (19) moves, only to reply with one last move leading to checkmate.

It is not easy to find many checkmate patterns. I found one (black king on e6), but I need more than 20 moves for black to achieve it. Still work to do.

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Originally posted by Mephisto2
I think the 'series-helpmate' means that white does not move while black makes a series of (19) moves, only to reply with one last move leading to checkmate.

It is not easy to find many checkmate patterns. I found one (black king on e6), but I need more than 20 moves for black to achieve it. Still work to do.
What about with black king on b1, a2 and b2 with black rooks and c2 with a knight promoted by the b-pawn?

This would make 16 moves by black, am I doing something wrong?

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Originally posted by Palynka
What about with black king on b1, a2 and b2 with black rooks and c2 with a knight promoted by the b-pawn?

This would make 16 moves by black, am I doing something wrong?
I don't see how you're getting three promotions without destroying wRd2, which spoils the mate.

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Originally posted by crazyblue
I guess I didnt understand the problem. What is series-helpmate? One solution for a helpmate would be
1. Nf3 Kb1
2. Nd4 Ka1
3. Ne2 e6
4. Nc3 d5
5. Rb2 e5
6. Rb1 mate

And I can see alot more than that. But I'm sure there is something wrong with it. 😕
The 'series' part of the stipulation means that, during Black's 19 moves, White does not move at all. White only moves once during the entire course of play (after Black has completed the 'series'.)

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An interesting puzzle, indeed. But what else should one expect from BigDogg?
I have looked at it for 10 mins and can't figure it out yet.

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Well, let's see if I can get it right:
1.e5 2.e4 3.e3 4.exf 5.f1N 6.Ne3 7.Nc2 8.Kb2 9.Kc3 10.Ne1 11.Nd3 12.Kd4 13.Ke3 14.Nc1 15.Ne2 16.Kf2 17.Ke1 18.Ng3 19.Nf1 Nf3#

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Originally posted by ilywrin
Well, let's see if I can get it right:
1.e5 2.e4 3.e3 4.exf 5.f1N 6.Ne3 7.Nc2 8.Kb2 9.Kc3 10.Ne1 11.Nd3 12.Kd4 13.Ke3 14.Nc1 15.Ne2 16.Kf2 17.Ke1 18.Ng3 19.Nf1 Nf3#

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