A judge condemns you to death and decides to give you a chance. " HE SHOWS YOU TWO DOORS GUARDED BY A GUARD AT EACH DOOR AND HE TELLS YOU THAT ONE GUARD IS A LIAR AND THE OTHER ONLY CAN TELL THE TRUTH. One door leads to freedom and the other to death. The judge tells you "YOU CAN ASK ANY ONE OF THE GUARDS ONE QUESTION,THE ANSWER DECIDES IF YOU LIVE OR DIE. What is the question you should ask????? good luck!
What would your colleague reply if I asked him if his door would lead to freedom?
If he is the truthteller he will tell truthfully that the other will lie. So if he says "mine" it deosn't leadt to freedom.
If he is the liar he will lie about what the other say. So if he says "mine" it is a lie and the other leads to freedom.
@Ponderable saidI think this answer is correct. Except Ponderable added an explanation which was not exact.
What would your colleague reply if I asked him if his door would lead to freedom?
If he is the truthteller he will tell truthfully that the other will lie. So if he says "mine" it deosn't leadt to freedom.
If he is the liar he will lie about what the other say. So if he says "mine" it is a lie and the other leads to freedom.
There are four possible scenarios. In each scenario, if the answer is yes (there are two of these) that guard you are talking to is standing in front of the door to freedom. If the answer you get is no, that guard you are talking to is standing in front of the door to doom.
What would your colleague reply if I asked him if his door would lead to freedom?