For you math people out here: someone told me the following suspicion:
There exists an overcountable subset of R that isn't dense in R.
(overcountable: not isomorphic/no bijection with N; dense: every interval* around every element (I do not mean "all elements" here) of the set includes more elements from that set)
I have the idea that it isn't true, because Q is countable and already dense in R. Can anyone shed some light on this?
*: I'm not sure this is the correct word, but you get the idea: (a,b) \subset R with a,b \in R, a<b.
I too late realised that I had posed the question wrong 😳
What I meant was that the subset should be isolated (which is indeed, dense in no interval). But it appears that this is impossible. I don't know the exact proof, but the trick is that you add the size of the intervals around the elements which include no more elements. This amounts to more than R if the subset is un/over-countable. (shown for example after mapping R onto an interval with arctan - you would get more than the length of the interval).
BTW, The set you described is dense: take an element b, and make an interval around it with length e<1. In the decimal expansion of e/4 (to be safe 🙂), there is a place which is the first that isn't 0. Change one of the decimals of b after that place, and you have another element in the interval. So your set is dense in R.