Based on a true story of when I met this girl in a nightclub while back :-)
That Bad Girl…
Contorting and convulsing to the banging beats of the possessed DJ.
Utterly oblivious to the predatory social actors on this small stage with me.
Fantastic free float, tripping through a delirious vortex of private smiling space.
Enter that bad girl, and my outward radar is reluctantly reactivated.
Hypnotic hips sway surreptitiously before my bewildered blushing eyes.
Her sensual sex smile slithers forth across the dance floor to strike me sober.
The plot is completely lost and I fall out of step to the maestro’s music.
Thrown off balance, cool control is lost to her spectacular secret self.
Feverously flustered, favoring forlorn fantasy, I approach this New Age Cleopatra.
A simple smile starts in my heroic heart and nervously settles on my longing lips.
She acknowledges my smiling stare with a fast flick of her exquisite eyebrows.
I finally find my words, and say “How about having a Tequila with me?”
Originally posted by paulisfree2bwhats this got to do with posers and puzzlers? what is the puzzle? what is the pose?
Based on a true story of when I met this girl in a nightclub while back :-)
That Bad Girl…
Contorting and convulsing to the banging beats of the possessed DJ.
Utterly oblivious to the predatory social actors on this small stage with me.
Fantastic free float, tripping through a delirious vortex of private smiling space.
Ent ...[text shortened]... yebrows.
I finally find my words, and say “How about having a Tequila with me?”