Rules are in (possibly) Chinese or here they are in english...
Only 2 persons on the raft at a time
The father can not stay with any of the daughters without their mother's presence
The mother can not stay with any of the sons without their father's presence
The thief (striped shirt) can not stay with any family member if the Policeman is not there
Only the Father, the Mother and the Policeman know how to operate the raft
To start click on the big blue circle on the right.
To move the people click on them. To move the raft click on the pole on the opposite side of the river.
And the link is:
Good luck!
Originally posted by PalynkaFun? I don't know this has been driving me mad for a day now. I was thinking about it last night when I should have been sleeping (or something) and I can't take it no more... I would be most thankful for da solution...
If you want I can pm you with the solution, but it would ruin the fun of it, IMO...