Originally posted by hakamanSorry don't know chess notation, but pulling the rook back a few squares, letting the queen be taken and then moving the rook over onto the king's file looks like mate to me.
edit: or is white coming down the board?
edit2: if white is going down the rook up one square- black has to move his rook then queen takes pawn- mate
nice puzzle, stumped on the other one- haven't really done puzzles before, except in games!
Originally posted by Von Bardelebensmells to me like R-c5 is pretty nasty. But just Qxd7+ wins as well,
if you used fritz, please don't post or else you will ruin the beauty of it...
first one:
[fen]2kr4/K1pp4/P2Q4/3R4/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1[/fen]
find white's bestest move
RXQ, RXR, KXR, Wh K-b7, how does black stop the pawn from Queening?
Oops, didn't see that was an incorrect position.