Black has one majour weakness, but his pieces are more active. The rook on h1 is not very useful (probably was before while advancing the pawn). The only attempt I see to exploit his weakness would be Re7!, threatening on f7. Although it looks nice, it more or less forces into draw, but nothing more, I am afraid. Here is one line (there may be other/better though):
1.Re7! Rxe7 (of course not Bxe7 because of mate) 2.Bd4 threatening mate on h8. But now it is black's turn 2. ... Rb1+ 3.Kh2 Rxh1+ 4.Kxh1 Re1+ 5.Kh2 (would give advantage if there was not the check) Bd6+ 6.Qxd6 Qb5 (forced) 7.Qf6 Kf8 8.Qd6+ Ke8 9.Bf6 and after one more check from black (Qh5+ Kg3) black has to go to Qa5 to defend against mate, and then white draws by perpetual check with Qc6+ and Qd6+.
Originally posted by ilywrinWow. Interesting position. I'd sit on this one for a while before making a decision. I couldn't make a guess in the short time I was looking at it right now.
This is a position from one of my games that ended in a draw. I was playing with White and felt I was gradually losing ground...What would you have played in this position with White?
[fen]1r3bk1/3r1p1p/5QpP/4R3/8/3q1P2/5BP1/6KR [/fen]
Originally posted by Mephisto2Well, pretty much the way that game went 🙂 Only there was
Black has one majour weakness, but his pieces are more active. The rook on h1 is not very useful (probably was before while advancing the pawn). The only attempt I see to exploit his weakness would be Re7!, threatening on f7. Although it looks nice, it more or less forces into draw, but nothing more, I am afraid. Here is one line (there may be other/better ...[text shortened]... to go to Qa5 to defend against mate, and then white draws by perpetual check with Qc6+ and Qd6+.
1.Re7! Rb1+ 2. Kh2 Rxe7 3.Bd4!? /and what if 3.Rxb1!?/ 3...Rxh1+ 4.Kxh1+ Re1+ 5.Kh2 Bd6 + (5...Qxd4 leads also to draw after 7.Qxd4 Bxd6 8.Qh4 Re5!) 6.Qxd6 Qb5 7.Qd8+ =