Originally posted by crazyblue1.Bb4+!
Thought its time for some new chess puzzles...
[fen]8/8/8/4N3/8/B1k2p1p/4Pp1P/2K5 w - - 0 1[/fen]
a) 1...Kd4 (1...Kxb4 2. Nd3+ Kc3 3. Nxf2 fxe2 4. Ne4+ Kd3 5. Nf2+ Ke3 6. Ng4+ and Black must give up control of the d2 square to get out of check) 2.Bc5+ Kxc5 3.Nd3+ Kd4 4.Nxf2 Ke3 5.Kd1 Kxf2 6.exf3=
b) 1...Kb3 2.Nxf3!! f1Q+ 3.Be1 Qg2 4.Bg3= The Q can never escape from the corner, because ...Qxe2 loses to Nd4+, and bK moves give wK time to defend the e-pawn. The wB cuts off every other escape route.