Posers and Puzzles
26 Jul 19
@forkedknight said
[fen]r1b4r/5kpp/p1n1pp2/1pB5/2Q1BP2/1P1P1N2/Pq4PP/5RK1 w - - 0 1[/fen]
1. Ng5+ fxg5 2. fxg5+ Ke8 3. Bxc6+ Kd8 4. Bb6+ Ke7 5. Qc5#
@bigdoggproblem saidGood start, that's definitely a bad line for black.
1. Ng5+ Kg8
then what?
@forkedknight saidThe best I can find so far is...
Good start, that's definitely a bad line for black.
then what?
1.Ng5+ Kg8 2.Bxh7+!? Rxh7 3.Qxe4
...and it seems like Black has some serious defensive difficulties, but there may be a brilliant save somewhere. I find it hard to put into concrete lines.
@bigdoggproblem saidNicely analyzed, you found the second best move.
The best I can find so far is...
...and it seems like Black has some serious defensive difficulties, but there may be a brilliant save somewhere. I find it hard to put into concrete lines.
The key is
1.Ng5+ Kg8 2.Qd5!
There are two intesting possibilities for black. The naive:
2. ... exd5 3. Bxd5+ Be6 4. Bxe6#
and the best case:
2. ... Qd4+ 3. Bxd4 exd5 4. Bxd5+ Kf8 5. Bc5+ Ke8 6. Bxc6+ Bd7
@forkedknight saidWow, what a 2nd move that is. I don't feel too bad about missing it. 😀
Nicely analyzed, you found the second best move.
The key is
There are two intesting possibilities for black. The naive:
and the best case:
Nice puzzle!
@bigdoggproblem saidThanks for indulging me 🙂
Wow, what a 2nd move that is. I don't feel too bad about missing it. 😀
Nice puzzle!
@forkedknight saidThere IS a chess forum.
Need a hint, or are people not interested in chess on this forum? 😉