Originally posted by crazybluenumber 1:
Just 2 moves, can't be too difficult. 😉
number 1:
[fen]8/5p2/5Q2/8/8/3K4/8/1kN5 w - - 0 1[/fen]
number 2:
[fen]n6k/7b/Q4Kp1/8/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1[/fen]
number 3:
[fen]8/8/8/3K4/8/5nP1/5Q1b/5N1k w - - 0 1[/fen]
number 4:
[fen]2nB4/r3q3/N3pN2/4kp2/3R1R2/7B/4b2K/6Q1 w - - 0 1[/fen]
number 5:
[fen]7Q/6p1/6kN/4P3/5KP1/8/8/8 w - - 0 1[/fen]
...[text shortened]... w - - 0 1[/fen]
number 7:
[fen]1K3B2/4n3/4P3/1Pk1N2R/P1B2nR1/3P4/1P3P1Q/2N5 w - - 0 1[/fen]
1. ~ Kxc1 2.Qa1# is the set play. Sol: 1.Kc3! Ka1 2.Kc2 or 1...Kxc1 2.Qf1#
Easy enough. I'll let someone else do the next one. 🙂
Originally posted by tomtom232Not quite! It allows a check from knight.
Number 3 [hidden]1.Kc6! zugzwang and the only square to allow it all others are covered, allow black to check or in one case lets black pin the queen which is the piece needed to deliver mate![/hidden]
1. Kd6 BxP 2. NxP
Originally posted by crazyblue6:
Good, all correct so far. I think tomtom meant Kd6 as well, as the explanation to it was perfectly fine.
Now 4, 6 and 7 missing. Number 6 has a debatable feature. Take that as a hint. 😉
1.Nc3! zz 1...Ba2 2.000; 1...Bc2/Kd4 2.Rd6; 1...Kc2 2.Bf5
But what's debatable about playing legal moves? 🙂
Yeah, for 7, we can reject 1.Nc6+ without considering black defenses because it is an utterly horrible key that no self-respecting composer would ever use [check + takes 2 flights 😞]
Let's try
1. Bb3 (zz) Nxh5 2. Nd7#; 1... Kb6 2. Nc4#; 1... Kd6 2. Nf7#; 1... Kb4 2. Nc6#; 1... Kd4 2. Nf3# - 5 different mates by the wN