Originally posted by skeeter1.Be4!! (2.Qd5# )
....and mate in two against any defence.
Came across some very old chess literature which contained these classic mate in two puzzles.
[fen]4K3/3Q4/8/p3k2N/r7/R2B4/5P2/7b w - - 0 1[/fen]
fen string edit
1...Bxe4 2.f4#
1...Rxe4 2.Rxa5#
1...Kxe4 2.Re3#
1...Rd4 2.Qe7#
Spiffy interference motif.
Originally posted by skeeter1.Qa6 (2.Rd1# )
Same again - white to move and mate in two:
[fen]b4b2/3r4/3pr3/8/1K5N/2PR4/Q3p3/5kBR w - - 0 1[/fen]
Unfortunately for Black, all of his checks cut off Ba8's attack on Rh1, allowing the Rh1/Bg1 battery to fire.
1...Rb7+ 2.Bb6#
1...d5+ 2.Bc5#
1...Re4+ 2.Bd4#
And finally
1...e1N/Q/R/B 2.Rf3#
1...Ke1 2.Qa1#
Tries: 1.Rd1+? exd1N! and 1.Qxa8? e1N!
Originally posted by skeeterVery nice!
....and yet another:
The perfect zugzwang position ?
When black is on the move, 20 possibilities each leading to checkmate in 1.
When white is on the move, Nd4! creates another zugzwang position with checkmate in 1 after all black's moves.
Originally posted by Mephisto2That's exactly what I said. I'm sure you read my post, skeeter.
NO, but 1.Nd4 Qxd4 2.Qxh7#does
I meant that after 1.Nd4 White threatens 2.Rg4#(not Rf5,sorry).
Zugzwang means, it's a problem that it's your turn, but since white threatens mate (Rg4🙄, after 1.Nd4 white wins regardless whose turn it is. Therefore, if it's white to move (as the thread title indicates) there is no zugzwang.
Originally posted by jfkjmhI agree that this problem isn't about zugzwang. After 1.Nd4, a move like 1...Ba1 does not change anything. If it were a true zugzwang, all of Black's moves would damage his position in some way.
That's exactly what I said. I'm sure you read my post, skeeter.
I meant that after 1.Nd4 White threatens 2.Rg4#(not Rf5,sorry).
Zugzwang means, it's a problem that it's your turn, but since white threatens mate (Rg4🙄, after 1.Nd4 ...[text shortened]... hite to move (as the thread title indicates) there is no zugzwang.