Posers and Puzzles
22 Sep 07
1.Rd3 c2 2.Ra3+ Kb7 3.Rab3+ Kc6 4.Rhd3! Nc3 5.Kxh2 and now if black promotes to queen, rook or bishop, take the knight with check (with the rook on the other file) and then the promoted piece. If the promotion is to a knight, for instance d1=N then 6.Rdxc3+ Kd5 7.Rc2 and win the pawn and an easy endgame 2 rooks vs. knight.
Originally posted by Mephisto2What about 1 ... Nf4?
1.Rd3 c2 2.Ra3+ Kb7 3.Rab3+ Kc6 4.Rhd3! Nc3 5.Kxh2 and now if black promotes to queen, rook or bishop, take the knight with check (with the rook on the other file) and then the promoted piece. If the promotion is to a knight, for instance d1=N then 6.Rdxc3+ Kd5 7.Rc2 and win the pawn and an easy endgame 2 rooks vs. knight.
Originally posted by Mephisto21...c2 should be b2 and black could promote the pawn to a queen.
1.Rd3 c2 2.Ra3+ Kb7 3.Rab3+ Kc6 4.Rhd3! Nc3 5.Kxh2 and now if black promotes to queen, rook or bishop, take the knight with check (with the rook on the other file) and then the promoted piece. If the promotion is to a knight, for instance d1=N then 6.Rdxc3+ Kd5 7.Rc2 and win the pawn and an easy endgame 2 rooks vs. knight.
Point blank: 5.Kxh2 isn't correct.
Originally posted by Mephisto2Yeah forgot about that. 5.Kxh2 isn't correct because after d1=Q, 6.Rxd1, Nxd1, the knight protects the b2 pawn and if the rook leaves the b file, then b1=Q 0-1.
1. ... c2 was a typo of course.
care to explain what the problem is with 5.Kxh2?
After 6...Nxd1, what can you do as white to win? The black king will eventually beat the white king over and black will either win or draw.
Originally posted by Dutch DefenseHe mentioned capturing the knight with check first. In this case 6.Rbxc3+ K~ and 7.Rxd1 with easy win.
Yeah forgot about that. 5.Kxh2 isn't correct because after d1=Q, 6.Rxd1, Nxd1, the knight protects the b2 pawn and if the rook leaves the b file, then b1=Q 0-1.
[fen]8/8/2k5/8/8/1R6/1p5K/3n4 w - - 0 1[/fen]
After 6...Nxd1, what can you do as white to win? The black king will eventually beat the white king over and black will either win or draw.