Originally posted by THUDandBLUNDERAh, very well then (I should have seen that 🙁 )
Quite right, which is why Black doesn't play that!
But instead plays 6...Kc7, giving the position below:
[fen]8/1pk2N2/p4P2/1p6/1p6/1P6/8/1K6 w[/fen]
7.Ng5! Kd7 8.f7 Ke7 9.Ne6! Kxf7 10.Nd8+ Ke7 11.Nxb7 and wins for 11...Ke6 (d7) is met by 12.Nc5+ and 13.Nxa6 🙄. Hopefully, I've got it this time.
Originally posted by ilywrin7.Ng5!? (I would prefer 7.Ne5) Kd7 f7 Ke7, and then NOT 9.Ne6?, because then you won't have a win anymore: 9. ...Kxf7 10. Nd8+ Kf6 11. Nxb7 Ke5 12. Kc2 Kd5 13. Kd3 Kc6 14. Nd8+ Kd5 15. Nb7 Kc6 etc
Ah, very well then (I should have seen that 🙁 )
7.Ng5! Kd7 8.f7 Ke7 9.Ne6! Kxf7 10.Nd8+ Ke7 11.Nxb7 and wins for 11...Ke6 (d7) is met by 12.Nc5+ and 13.Nxa6 🙄. Hopefully, I've got it this time.
but: 9.Kc2! a5 10. Kb1 Kf8 11. Kb2 a4 12. Kb1 a3 13. Ne6+! Kxf7 14. Nc5 Ke7 15. Ka2 Kd6 16. Nd3! Kd5 17. Nxb4+ Kc5 18. Kxa3 Kb6 19. Nd5+ etc