Originally posted by THUDandBLUNDERit is pretty obvious that the first step of the plan of White is to drag the bishop to b8. Probably something like:
[fen]2KB4/1P6/2k5/8/8/8/7b/8/ w[/fen]
1.Bh4 B~ (along h2-c7) 2.Bf2 B~(along f4-c7) 3.Ba7 B~ 4.Bb8 B~ (anywhere on g1-a7) 5.Bg3 (h2) Ba7 6.Bf2 (g1) + -
Originally posted by The PlumberNo, just demonstarate a winning method.
Do you have a number of moves in mind?
But if you insist on a number then 'White to mate in 27'. 😛
Originally posted by ilywrin
Probably something like:
1.Bh4 B~ (along h2-c7)
Black can play 1..Kb6 and 2...Ka6
It is amzing what drinking 5 beers with friends can do do to your chess talent.
1.Ba5!!!! (a bit too much I agree) 1...Bf4 (it doesnt matter but for clarity...) 2.Bd2! (winning a tempo) B~(along the diagonal h2-d6) 3. Be3! and wins, e.g 3...Bg3 4.Ba7 B~ 5.Bb8 B~ (alnog g1 to b6) and White wins as in my previous post.
P.S Sorry for any spelling mistakes... 🙂
EDITED: And if 1...Kb5 2.Bc7 + -
Originally posted by ilywrinThanks for correcting my typo, and please tell me the location of this fine brewery:
well, I have not drank as much as not to see that 1...Be6! is illegal, but supposing you meant 1...Bd6. Again 2.Bb4 Bh2 3.Bg1 Bd6! 4. Ba5 Bh2 5.Bd8 + -
3. Bb4-g1??
4. Bg1-a5??
Originally posted by THUDandBLUNDER1. Bh4 (not the only square possible) Kc5 (or Kb6 doesn't matter). Black needs to be at a6 in time to prevent the bishop going to a7 and b8.
[fen]2KB4/1P6/2k5/8/8/8/7b/8/ w[/fen]
2.Bf2 Ka6 3.Bc5 (again not the only square on that diagonal). Now black is in zugzwang and has to play with the bishop, away from the save rim square: 3. ... Bg3 (or another square on that diagonal)
4.Be7 forces the black king to come back to prevent Bd8 to Bc7. Therefore: 4. ... Kc5 (or Kb6) 5.Bd8 Kc6. Back to the original position with one difference: the bishop is on g3 where it can be attacked:
6.Bh4! forces the bishop to move (instead of the king as before).
6. ... Bh2 (could be anothe square on that diagonal)
7.Bf2! the black king is too late now to prevent Ba7.
7. ... Bh2 (or other move) 8.Ba7 Bg3 (or other) 9.Bb8 Bg1.
It isn't over yet: 10.Bg3 (or another square) forces 10. ... Ba7.
And now 11.Bf2! and the bishop has no other choice than to take 11. ... Bxf2 12.b8Q +/-.
It still takes a while for white to win this, but nothing too difficult.