What is white's best move? People who receive Brian Balestri's puzzles, please don't respond.
Game 1039885
Originally posted by schakuhrSorry, this position is cooked. For those of you who may not know what "cooked" means, it's a term that describes a flaw to a problem theme. In this case the theme is moving the knight and giving a discovered check by the queen. But the problem is "cooked" because White has two winning solutions where neither is better than the other. The knight can move to both b5 and d5 with a discovered check.
What is white's best move? People who receive Brian Balestri's puzzles, please don't respond.
Game 1039885
Originally posted by arrakisNot so fast! After 1.Nd5+?? or 1.Nb5+??, Black has the devastating reply 1...Nd4+ with double check, forcing the white King to move. Then white will find to his chagrin that it is he who loses.
Sorry, this position is cooked. For those of you who may not know what "cooked" means, it's a term that describes a flaw to a problem theme. In this case the theme is moving the knight and giving a discovered check by the queen. But the problem is "cooked" because White has two winning solutions where neither is better than the other. The knight can move to both b5 and d5 with a discovered check.
Originally posted by schakuhrNot so fast. I still think Kd2 is the best move (or Kc1), but as pointed out Qa5 follows. White keeps the best game (but no immediate win) after QxQ.
Yes indeed Kd2 is the best move. Not Nd5+ or Nb5+, for 1. ... Nd4+ will follow it, and wherever the king moves, 2. ... Qc2+ will follow with mate on the next move.