Originally posted by e4chrisI was surprised the dude was wasting a perfectly good bass speaker on the corn starch experiment! I would have had the actual speaker covered with saran wrap to keep that corn starch off the paper cone!
was hoping for an idiot and a fire extinguisher 🙁
That kid with the amped up plasma globe was interesting. He knew his electronics, that was obvious. He built stuff like I do, everything out in the open🙂 It turns out back in 1964 or thereabouts, I had come up with an idea for a sound synthesizer when I was in the air force in Lincoln Nebraska and had built several versions. I was too young to know the importance of what I had invented, had I added a keyboard, I would have had a new simple way to generate literally millions of different sounds but that was then, too late smart and all that. But at the time, I had built several versions of my device and one of them I built with the idea of it being a 3D sculpture of wires and such but a working sound synthesizer, a total mismash of wires and circuits about 4 inches around, just hanging from my light switch wire in the barracks and squaking away and it worked great. I had also built versions of that circuit in cigar boxes and they worked great too, even better since I had so many adjustments I put in to make literally millions of really freaky sounds! I have stories I could tell about times at the Crib, the Student Union in Nebraska State University, my main hangout back then, with that device the center of several interesting experiments but that's another story.