It seems like the dream of building a moon-station will be in reach soon.
The Chinese are not the big guys in marketing, but they work very effective.
I will follow this closely (when I had been young it was a given, that we had a mon-station by 2000...)
@Ponderable saidWould be nice to have it in our life time.
It seems like the dream of building a moon-station will be in reach soon.
The Chinese are not the big guys in marketing, but they work very effective.
I will follow this closely (when I had been young it was a given, that we had a mon-station by 2000...)
The whole idea of a moon station is to be at the south pole of the moon where water ice has been found in craters not getting sunlight EVER so any water there would be in the form of ice and lots of it, enough for a colony to last hundreds of years, since as you already know, water is for drinking and baths and such but also split off into oxygen and hydrogen, oxy for breathing and the two to be fuel for rockets, so far the highest energy density rocket power there is for chemical rockets meaning you don't have to bring with you the fuel needed to go back to earth or to go on to other destinations in the solar system like Mars or Europa.
Then BTW, establishing colonies on Europa which is basically an ice planet, INFINITE amount of rocket fuel and drinking water they could cheaply transport to any place in the solar system, a permanent fuel supply for a space faring civilization. Of course nuclear and fusion rockets would modify the need for that somewhat🙂