I would like to know if the webmasters of this lovely site could create some chess-floor for a play for 4 opponents in the same time (a cross form)? Or two army without king that must checkmate the same king that cannot be moved by anyone? Or a third queen, untakable, neutral, used by both player in order to create an obstacle? Or creating some feerics pieces, like zebra, camel, wizard, boyscout etc...? If not possible because regular chess is the main law here, no problem, just gimme a web page where I could play such feeric chess games. Thank you!
Originally posted by LahainaPerhaps nobody was interested in your suggestion, and too polite too tell you. You will find that happens on here quite a lot. 😛
I, for one, am truly impressed by this feat!
And why not? Noboby had answered my question. I had to find a solution alone... It's good to receive flowers sometimes, even if you buy them yourself...