Originally posted by blindcheesecakeHere is a few etiquette pointers:
New emembers should have to take a [b]short course about the site. This whould be great so places like the help forum would not be full of what does that star mean or other things which tend to come up many times.[/b]
It is polite to:
Read the FAQ before starting play.
Ask before playing against someone.
Respond to a good luck message at the start of a game.
Inform your opponent if there is any reason you cannot move in the near future.
Check their profile before claiming a win.
It is impolite to:
Ignore questions from your opponent.
Delete a game as soon as it is accepted.
Comment on an in progress game in forums.
Insult someone on in game message, PM or forums.
Correct spelling or grammar in a patronising manner.