Currently, any changes to the notebook are saved when a move is made, or when the "save notebook changes" link is hit. However, that link does not appear when it is my move. If I look at the board while it's my move, and want to leave myself some notes but not move right away, I cannot use the notebook.
edit: Perhaps the easiest solution would be to change the behavior of
javascript:document.actionForm.skip.value='true';DoAction( );
(from the 'skip' link) to automatically save notebook changes much like the 'move' button does?
Also re the Notebook, I suggest the size of the field be increased. Currently the field is three lines high in my browser(s) window, but the 250-character limit fills about five. To use the whole notebook therefore means scrolling this teeny little field with its teeny little, overlapping scroll bars (or arrowing up and down in the field), which makes it cumbersome to use and to refer to.