I know this kind of contradicts the whole notion of an 'open invite' but is there any chance of adding, maybe under the advanced options section, the ability to specify a maximum and/or minumum rating the person accepting the open challenge must meet?
It doesn't seem the open invite feature is used much right now except by relatively new members, like myself. I even see comments frequently along the lines of 'no provies'. If the open challenger could just enforce some acceptance criteria then they would not be put in the position of having to bluntly delete a game simply because they got something they didn't want.
Originally posted by TippedKingYes you can always set filters on incoming games (minimum/maximum ratings, max simultaneous games etc.) however once you have a non-provisional rating you can set up open invites with a rating range of who can accept it.
They exist now for direct challenges. Open invites are treated differently than direct challenges during the provisional period?