Predation and survival should not cause any killing Karma?

Predation and survival should not cause any killing Karma?



07 Oct 18
23 Oct 18

Predation and survival should not cause any killing Karma?

Author :Chang Kai-Chi 張開基

The most abundant in the ocean is the plankton that is barely visible from human naked eyes. Although it is so inconspicuous but the basic staple food for many other creatures and the large whale population is also filtering a huge amount of floating plankton for food.

If the total weight is less than one centimeter, the "krill" is the champion food supply of the whole earth. The krill preys on the finer plankton and itself is the main sources for many fishes. The number of krill in a single group is so huge quantity as million tons (the total amount is measured in units of 100 million tons per year). It is like a delicious seafood soup for ocean populations.

So, smaller fishs such as sardines, squid, etc. all consume krill as a major mea. These fish number itself also could be counted as stunning amount...

The huge humpback whales also consume krill. They swallow up to three tons a day. It becomes difficult tasks to calculate each ton could include how many krill per ton.

As for the sardines and squid that can form a big population in ocean, fully growing day by day –they become a gourmet meal of seals, penguins and dolphins.

Then seals becomes the targets of sharks and killer whales. These two are the top diners in the marine food chain!

Of course, the fiercest predator in the ocean, the shark, also has to surrender to the humans’ high-tech hunting techniques and they become human sea food, too. Like Asian love shark meat and shark fish balls. And Nordic people like to eat long-salted bitter shark fillets!

There is also a scorpion (protective) bird, which population is between 80 and 100 million birds a year. It will depart from Australia and migrate collectively to the Arctic Circle in Northern Alaska, just to prey on the large amount of krill.

Let's take a look now;:

Food chain ranking as plankton, krill, sardine and other small fishes, seals, dolphins, shark, killer whale then human!

In terms of quantity, the main diners are certainly the "humpback whales".

Think about it; the reason why shrimp, fish, and mammals are "predatory" is not just to survive. Is this killing in the food chain forms the karma? Does it commit the "killing"?

Or in addition to the lowest level of plankton as a completely innocent victim, predators in other layers have produced the "killing karma"! The biggest sin carrier is the "Humpback Whale", because it is assumed that each sin would receive penalty for punishment one by one. Therefore, the humpback whales do the lifelong killing and they swallow three tons of lives a day. How many tons have they swallowed in their lifetime? How should such crime related karma be counted and what kind of punishment should it be?

Suppose one krill is one gram, one ton is one million, and a humpback whale eats three million krill a day. The average life expectancy of a humpback whale is 40 to 50 years. In forty years, a humpback whale can eat 4.38 billion krill in his lifetime, so it kills more than four billion lives. If he claim from Sakyamuni’s "equality among living beings" stand of point-- a krill and a humpback whale are equal as a live and all "all beings" has no differentiation between size of the body or the durations of life—each killing case should receive the same punishment.

So If "killing is guilty", then the crime of "humpback whales" can really be endless records. If you want to repay the sin debt such as a humpback whale and count every living killing as one day punishment-- there will be three million punishment days, and as many as four billion days during lifetime killing, how will this debt be repaid? How to resolve? Is it still such a astronomical number records in the sin karma—should the whale fall into hell and never reincarnate forever?

Besides, Sakyamuni advocated "equality among living beings" and advocates "compassion". Moreover, the Dharma is boundless. If he is so compassionate --then he should go to all the beings (including people who live on predation) know how serious killing and no more committing anymore—will it be feasible?

If humpback whales, squid, and sardines no longer eat krill and krill does not eat any tiny plankton. The plankton in the ocean will be more prosperous and prolific because it has no natural enemies. Very quickly, it would make the global ocean becomes thick jelly. Severe hypoxia, all marine plants including kelp, seaweed, etc. no longer could grow and survive. Since entire upper food chain can neither eat animals nor plants to get consumed, thus causing the extinction of marine lives? Finally, the world's three main oceans turn into super cemetery-- the toxins will be emitting in the atmosphere and no living things could survive.

Could this be the happy outcome that Sakyamuni wants? If all the earth creatures are extinct, they will no longer suffer from the life difficulties? In such a short time, all beings will be fully "super bliss"?

The class inequality of the Indian Brahman caste system is an institutional error and a sinister act of racial discrimination. However, Buddhism "equality among all beings" also is a fundamental cognitive error that overkills. The conclusion is most Buddhist classics related to “equality among all beings” are totally wrong concepts from the beginning to end.


16 Feb 08
23 Oct 18

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