The world has never experienced an all out nuclear war.
The exchange of nuclear weapons world wide is something the
world has not ever seen.
Could it be that anyone or everyone warning us about an all out nuclear war to the devastation of the world is just trying to control people with fear? Some elite group of control freaks only want to get into your wallet and manipulate you for thier ends.
How do they know?
They haven't seen it happen.
Warning of a world wide nuclear war has as its only motive social control and fear mongering.
@sonship saidNuclear weapons exist and hence pose a genuine threat to our collective survival.
The world has never experienced an all out nuclear war.
The exchange of nuclear weapons world wide is something the
world has not ever seen.
Could it be that anyone or everyone warning us about an all out nuclear war to the devastation of the world is just trying to control people with fear? Some elite group of control freaks only want to get into your wa ...[text shortened]... f a world wide nuclear war has as its only motive social control and fear mongering.
Hell does not exist and therefore poses no such threat.
Have you ever been dead?
Or have you persoanlly already witnessed the last day, the last judgment?
No, you have not.
You have a strong hope that there is no judgment awaiting you and thus no need
for salvation from it.
You have also never seen World War III and thoudsands of nuclear and hydrogen bombs going off.
You, like me, though having never witnesses this HOPE it could never be.
We don't KNOW for certain that it could never be.
We know some voices who we at least should sit up and take notice, WARN of its possibility.
Some here might argue that this "boogy man" of a nuclear war has no other purpose but to allow some to manipulartively exploit our fears. And that probably because either it gives them power over us or they can get some financial benefit from such exploitation.
Now that may be true in some cases.
That it is true in ALL cases without possible exception is a conspiracy theory we embrace at out own risk.
You respect probably Carl Sagan.
When Carl Sagan spoke of some matters, I think you paid attention because you trusted he was not a total crackpot.
Carl Sagan warned of "nuclear winter" as the likely result of a nuclear war. That is a winter that would kill off most of the rest of life on the planet after a world war.
Like you sit up and take more serious note to what Carl Sagan said,
some of us sit up and take more serious note to what Jesus of Nazareth spoke.
You might not brush off Carl Sagan as just another charlatan trying to get into your wallet or to popular himself at your expense.
So some of us would not brush off Jesus Christ as another charlatan simply sensationalizing a fearful fantasy to derive some benefit to Himself.
At that the dubious benefit of six hours hanging nailed to a cross, feeling forsaken even by God.
Not only is nuclear war an analogy to something NOBODY should want to see happen.
But it is an analogy of the foolishness of thinking NO exception there is to people warning of such, to the motive of controling or financial exploitation.
What I expect you to do next is labor to make the analogy invalid.
I expect you to do show the two matters are not equal and therefore cannot be analogous of one another.
In that both are totally dreaded, unthinkable, to be avoided at any cost, they are analogous. That is really all I need to make the analogy.
I think that you make a valid point. Our lives are always having fear injected into them. If it isn't fear of the Russians; the Chinese; or even a virus.
We (as in the population of The West) are our own worst enemies in some respects. Many sit there with the TV/radio on having dross dripped into their subconscious. I don't watch TV and don't listen to the radio, so all this stuff just washes over me. But we know that the UK government (it's been debated in parliament) has got caught deliberately trying to instill fear into the UK populace through "the nudge unit" and spent £1.6 billion doing it. You are correct sir, fear is most definitely a tool of the political trade.
Now when you venture into the realms of "Some elite group of control freaks only want to get into your wallet and manipulate you for their ends" you may be straying in the eyes of some, to what is sometimes referred to as conspiracy theory. Equally it must but said that something is being ushered in.
On the US dollar bill "Novus Ordo Seclorum" is advertised. Presidents Obama, Clinton, both of the Bush dynasty; Prime Ministers Blair; Brown; and Cameron have referenced "A New World Order coming Into view".
The new world order is the order brought in bythe second coming of Christ not any political movement.
Christ's coming in Daniel's vision is the smashing of all human government such that it is carried away as dust by the wind. And His kingdom grows and explands over the whole globe. First let's get a glimpse of the picture.
KIng Nebuchadnezzar's dream of a huge for sectioned image of a man in Daniel 2 was of all the world's powers representatively down from the head Babylon, the breast and arms as the Medo-Persian Empire, the abdpmen and thighs as the Greece with Macodnian Empire, the legs as the Roman Empire, and the toes as a mixture of autocvracies and demoncracies in the end times.
These four sections of the great image do not include all the world history's great empires but only four representative ones of all. Four is a number signifying the whole earth as in four corners of the earth, four directions of the earth.
You should read all of Daniel 2.
But the stone cut out without hands which hits the great four sectioned image on the toes signifies Christ coming at the end of this history to shatter all worldly governments to replace them all with His kingdom of God over the planet. Amen.
"Concerning this image,its head was of gold, its breast and its arms of silver, its abdomen and its thighs of bronze, Its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of clay.
You were watching until a stone was cut out without hands, and it struck the image at its feet of iron and clay and crushed them. Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold were crushed all at once, and they became like chaff from the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away so that no trace of them was found. And the stone that struck the imager became a great mountain and filled the whole earth. This is the dream; and we will tell its interporetation before the king." (See Dan. 2:31-45)
Included in Daniel interpretation these words:
"And in that you saw the iron mixed with the earthly clay, they will be mixed together through the seed of men, but they will not clave to one another, even as iron does not mix with clay.
And in the days of those kings the God of the heavens will raise up a kingdom which will never be destroyed, and its reign will not be left to another people, it will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms; and it will stand forever.
Inasmuch as you saw that out of the mountain a stone was cut without hands and that it crushed the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver, and the gold, the great God has made known to the king what will happen afterward; and the drean is certain, and its interpretation trustworthy." (Dan. 2:43-45)
From the head to the toes is also looking at human history from the past down to the future. The toes are at the end of the history of this age wich concludes with the second coming of Christ. He is the stone cut out of the mountain without hands.
And He is coming to shatter all worldly forms of human government to replace them with the kingdom of God encompassing the whole planet for 1,000 years before the eternal age of the new heaven and the new earth.
And His co-kings who reign with Him are so rewarded overcoming believers who were dispensed into by His Spirit and divine life in the previous ages. He and them become the kingdom bringing in peace, righteousness, plenty, natural restoral, justice, and harmony over the globe for the millennial kingdom (Revelation 20).
This preceeds the eternal age of the new universe. (Revelation 21,22)
@sonship saidThe NWO is the very thing that yolks the UK and US, and is the thing that will be destroyed as described in Daniel 2:44. You can establish a direct like between it and darker forces (Rev 13:2) by what takes place at Bohemain Grove.
The new world order is the order brought in bythe second coming of Christ not any political movement.
The NWO is not to be confused with the Millenia Reign.
@sonship saidFear mongering has a goal. What is the goal of spreading fear of nuclear war? Who is being controlled?
The world has never experienced an all out nuclear war.
The exchange of nuclear weapons world wide is something the
world has not ever seen.
Could it be that anyone or everyone warning us about an all out nuclear war to the devastation of the world is just trying to control people with fear? Some elite group of control freaks only want to get into your wa ...[text shortened]... f a world wide nuclear war has as its only motive social control and fear mongering.
For example, threatening hell and eternal torment controls religious people into being obedient. What do you suppose is gained if the threat of nuclear war is merely fear mongering?
Nuclear war is at least a real, ever-present threat. It's better to be afraid of nuclear war than not afraid of it. If people ever stop being afraid of the threat nukes pose to th world, it could lead the extinction of the human race. That's not an exaggeration, nuclear winter has been proposed by scientists as a dire possibility that could result from nuclear war.