Originally posted by eagles54Animals => World of the Nagas => Asuras (does this mean I was a demon?) => Hungy Ghosts (FEED ME) => Temporary Hells => Heaven of the Four Great Kings (what was I when I was here? One of the Kings? Which one?) => Bon => Heaven of the Four Great Kings (back again!) => Hungry Ghosts (Oh no! I'm losing ground! I must have been a ban Bon) => Demon Island (children are yummy...Michael Jackson must be from here) => Jambu Island => The Southern Continent (this game will be more fun if I ever get to make any choices instead of clicking the stupid prayer wheel) => Disciples: Path of Accumulation => The Black Rope and Crushing Hells (I guess I went to the Crushing Hells for being Michael Jackson) => World of the Nagas (ok this game is stupid) => Barbarism (The greatest thing is to pillage and make women lament or something like that) => Asuras => Hungry Ghosts => World of the Nagas => Heaven of the 33 (I'm a god! Woohoo) => The Cold Hells (damn! No pun intended!) => Asuras => Animals
OK I cannot take this stupid game any more.