I used to do MMA in college was mainly BJJ and Ground fighting/ takedowns but I did quite a bit of stand up, since leaving i've been way way out of practice and the loop due to working in Australia...... Thinking of taking it back up again whenever I get over to the USA sometime this year...
MMA by the way - Mixed Martial Arts, or Ultimate Fighting. Effectively a method of fighting derived from the useful parts of most other martial arts (some don't actually have any useful bits to them). Rather than set of forms, situation specific moves or other sorts nonsense its a set of rules about what you can and can't do when in the ring. Such as gouging hairpulling etc. designed to give fighters a chance to fight in a style that suits them personally.... You win by knockout or the other person giving up
Slimjim, try these links:
mexico, like you... I excelled in ground tactics. My base dicipline was wrestling & I have a black belt in BJJ. I took Muy Thai for more that 3 years & although I LOVED it, it was difficult for me since I am very short (5'6"😉 compared to most of the opponents I faced. As you know, unlike MMA fights... kickboxing does not allow takedowns.