The State of Pennsylvania has officially denied the Isle of Capri Casino group request to operate slot machines in Pittsburgh. Had this request been granted, the Casino group would have built a new arena (to replace the 45-year-old, decrepit Mellon arena) to house the Penguins and financial backing would have been in place to keep the team in Pittsburgh.
Today, Mario Lemieux, The Magnificent One Himself, has stated that the team will now consider the option of moving the team. Thus, this is the last year the penguins will be in Pittsburgh. And that's just sad.
I know that the Philly people here love their hockey so what's the deal with Pittsburgh? Does no one care there? I watched the Pens/Caps game a week ago and the arena was packed with college students (the arena offers $20 tickets after the game begins). Attendance has been on the rise. The team's performance has been on the rise thanks to the brightest young stars in Hockey (Ovechkin? Whatever.). It's hard to believe that it's a case of 'no one cares'.
Can anyone from the area give me some insight as to why this team has become such a failure after the amazing glory years the team experienced in the early '90s?