Yeah dog fighting is the most terrible thing in the whole world. You should never compare football to dog fighting. I mean in football you only get concussions, tear tendons that take 18 months to repair and sometimes get paralized (but that's overrated because some of those people learn to walk again) . They should have said it was a real war and showed people getting killed in Iraq. Then when somone complains on the sideline they shoudl ask whether he is a cancer in the clubhouse and show a picture of people with cancer. Its football... does it really matter the words the announcer uses?
Originally posted by myteamtrulystinksMy thoughts are that the NFL would be distancing itself from comparisons of that nature. That is the question I raised. I am catching a condescending tone in you remark. Yes we can all find things worse than the last thing mentioned but that doesn't justify it. If that was the case we couldn't punish criminals because all a barrister would have to do is find a more heinous crime, and poof the lesser crime is ok by default. Next time stick to the question.
Yeah dog fighting is the most terrible thing in the whole world. You should never compare football to dog fighting. I mean in football you only get concussions, tear tendons that take 18 months to repair and sometimes get paralized (but that's overrated because some of those people learn to walk again) . They should have said it was a real war ...[text shortened]... re of people with cancer. Its football... does it really matter the words the announcer uses?
I don't think it was orchistrated. I think the comment was just a very poor way of expressing that it was a hard fought game. Obviously Vick should be punished but I do fing the outrage toward Vick and the wilfull ignoring of other more serious criminals completely illogical and as such a pretext for other hateful feelings many have (like an African American should expect to pair dearly if he dare be a #1 draft pick and a quarter back).
Originally posted by cheshirecatstevensSoften the public?
Was anybody paying attention during the Packer game, when they cut to show the Viking game highlight. The person said it was a real dog fight in the dome. Was he not aware of the problems the NFL had associated with that subject? Is the NFL trying to soften the public?
How? just by saying dog fight on tv?
"Oh, he said this game is a dog fight. Therefore I don't think what Vickyboy did was wrong"
Is that how you see it?
Originally posted by cheshirecatstevensIt's a figure of speech.
Was anybody paying attention during the Packer game, when they cut to show the Viking game highlight. The person said it was a real dog fight in the dome. Was he not aware of the problems the NFL had associated with that subject? Is the NFL trying to soften the public?
Originally posted by myteamtrulystinksexcellant post!
I don't think it was orchistrated. I think the comment was just a very poor way of expressing that it was a hard fought game. Obviously Vick should be punished but I do fing the outrage toward Vick and the wilfull ignoring of other more serious criminals completely illogical and as such a pretext for other hateful feelings many have (like an African American should expect to pair dearly if he dare be a #1 draft pick and a quarter back).