I have been a subscriber to this site for almost a year now like most of you when I joined it was because I thought this site was the second coming.I believe thanks to RHP my game has improved 100%.This is my first time reading the forums(I just play chess here).I have been playing this game for 37 years I know very little about pc programs,believe it or not I have never even seen a book on opening moves,as far as I know the dutch defense (if that's right)could be a world cup soccer strategy.The last ten years the only chess I played is against my old radio shack electronic chess ( I live in a small town and don't have time to go searching for face to face players) I to was starting to wonder why I was playing my best games and coming up against opponents that never made mistakes,I make them quite often,Iwas starting to get a little discouraged,any way to make along story longer my buddy saintnick said I might be interested in some of the threads in the forums so here I am reading.Now I find that we have cheat police,for a while I thought what a great idea then I began to think the whole world cheats in one way or another,presidents and priministers cheat to win atheletes cheat to win.I am not saying it is right but a lot of you on RHP play your computor while you wait for opponents to move as I do with my little radio shack board (it helps with the fix)so what is the big deal if a few dishonest 10 year olds use a program to beat ironman.The point is you loose to your computor program,it helps me become a better player.If it wasn't for the almighty rating half of us would not be here,the rating is like a drug but I think we forget that unless we are playing face to face for a million dollars what diference does it make.The majority of players on this sight are honest so what for a few bad apples.what about the poor souls that get wrongly accused.I know that if I was ever accused because I use an opening move that my little radio shack game has opened with a thousand times against me is that cheating if so accuse me now and as they say in the movies I'll be seeing you.
Originally posted by dinc168I agree, let's do nothing about murder, no police, no laws, nothing, because people will murder anyways.
I have been a subscriber to this site for almost a year now like most of you when I joined it was because I thought this site was the second coming.I believe thanks to RHP my game has improved 100%.This is my first time reading the forums(I just play chess here).I have been playing this game for 37 years I know very little about pc programs,believe it or not ...[text shortened]... ainst me is that cheating if so accuse me now and as they say in the movies I'll be seeing you.
You could benefit from some paragraphs there Dinc.
I agree with you to some extent, because yes, I also think that it doesn't really matter who or what you are playing, you get a game of chess at the end of it and you are either better or worse than the opponent.
But some people say that they pay their subscription to play humans, and if they wanted to play computers they would get one of the many programs available that let you do just that.
And I suppose that that's fair enough too.
Originally posted by dinc168I did laugh at mateulose's very funny response and tend to agree with him although you do make some valid points. Yes I too am here to improve (rather than experience winning) but occassionally I spend ages agonizing over one move and feel it's a crime if my opponent is casually switching on a pc and using a programme whilst eating a cheese sandwich and being presented his next moves in seconds by some software. Whereas I may be spending up to an hour over one move (and still blunder it......in fact I recall making a blunder against YOU...... do you remember? I misread a combination and ended up exchanging my rook for your bishop in the late middlegame of a tournament.....but later salvaged a draw). Myabe the answer is to let people use software (or engines ....what are they called?) but declare it, and have 2 types of tournament everyone allowed and real players only. Because although I am here to improve I would like to win a tournament (one day...maybe) which would be the benefit of having made that improvement that I am looking for. Yes of course the problem is you would have to rely on their honesty (and they are basically being dishonest right now).
I have been a subscriber to this site for almost a year now like most of you when I joined it was because I thought this site was the second coming.I believe thanks to RHP my game has improved 100%.This is my first time reading the forums(I just play chess here).I have been playing this game for 37 years I know very little about pc programs,believe it or not ...[text shortened]... ainst me is that cheating if so accuse me now and as they say in the movies I'll be seeing you.
It's ok in a friendly game as you can chose to avoid people you suspect of using engines. If your clan leader is good they should be able to avoid accepting or making challenges with clans containing those players, but in the tournaments and the leagues this is an issue as you cannot choose your opponents.
Personally, I do not get sites who have "computer assisted leagues", ie: using engines. What's the point of having a site, with leagues, were Fritz, Shredder, Junior and Chessmaster play each other. It's not a group of chess players and the best chess player doesn't win, in such tournaments it's obsolete to even have usernames, it's simply the guy best at using, or in some cases designing engine software.
For all you programmers out there that like chess and want to develop an unbeatable world's top engine, there are sites where you can test such metal without interfering with human players online.