Ok - I have a moral dilema.
I am holding up a tournament with a game that I can time out.
The problem is - the time out will allow me to progress to the next round of the tournament but I am losing the game - I can't actually see a way to even attempting a draw.
So - voting to commence please - resign or time out?
Game 4655025 - active game - please no comments on the game.
Click the skull.
There is LOTS of reasons to do it.
1. If a person enters a tournament, he/she must take it seriously enough to tend to their games.
2. If you were playing OTB, or even if we stretch it further to any other sport like soccer, rugby whatever..... When the whistle blows /flag drops, TIME'S UP.
3. The feature of time-out is given on this site, and the Tournament is set up with a reasonable timebank and timeout. So again. Time's up.
4. Think of all the guys held up in the round. They would most certainly want to get on with the tournament.
5. (add another reason here)
6. (add another reason here)
I can go on really, but I think that's enough for now.
I can understand the morality issue. In this case I think it must take the back seat for a while......
Originally posted by RDMIs this a question about a game in progress? If so, you cannot ask us what you should do.
Ok - I have a moral dilema.
I am holding up a tournament with a game that I can time out.
The problem is - the time out will allow me to progress to the next round of the tournament but I am losing the game - I can't actually see a way to even attempting a draw.
So - voting to commence please - resign or time out?
Game 4655025 - active game - please no comments on the game.
This is my general answer. I've answered the exact way before, so this has nothing to do with this actual game at all...
Skull him.
To keep track of his own time is one of the many facettes of chess. If your clock ticks empty, then the game is lost.
Skull him, no need to feel ashamed.