I know, I know, we are all excited by the shiny new Baker Open
Tournament. But...
I'm going to take it upon myself to try to keep folks updated on that
old, unloved, redheaded stepchild of a tournament, The Donadoni
The score is now ROW 25.5 vs USA 12.5.
The latest result is a draw between Barolo and Schliemann
Hey! I'm kidding! I know we all still love the old tourney!
Thanks Michael...keep those updates coming about it...and please
know all I tried hard for those two points to get us up a bit...and i fell
short..just got paired with one hell of a player.
The shiny new Baker Open..hehehehe
How many points left before it is a wash?...or is it already? Although I
will be waiting with baited breath for that last game to finish to see
how it all unfolded.
Captain USA
Jason...I know you were...i was talking to all of the other people that
got the "Honorary Pawn Stars" for the tourney.
You and John and Tara are HUGE supporters of this site...bigger than
me since you are family based and I am a lone individual. Although
there will come a day when the kids might go for it...you never
know...right now they are more into Harry Potter than the
Petrov...although I am doing my best to get it worked in there.
Thanks Jason...as always.