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gbgnils advances

gbgnils advances


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97426 & 97427 won by gbgnils. Yep, my aggressiveness got the best
of me. Having played the others in the 1400 goup, I predict Nils will
prevail. Good luck all.


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Good try David....and good games gbgnils.


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Thanks- I'm watching yours now. I hope you don't mind.

Regards, Nils.

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Not at all...I already went through both of yours...that h pawn opening
is a little weird but it worked.

Just try that one on me..hehehe


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Well I play it in blitz, it's called the Kadas opening. Obviously white
says- I can beat you with anything, even with this funky style.
Although the opening has a lot more to come with against unprepared
opponents f.e

1. h4 d5
2. h5 e5?! (I prefer h6)
3. h6 Nxh6? (a usual mistake but a few programs recommend it, not
fritz of course)
4. d4! exd4 !?
5. Bxh6 gxh6
6. Qxd4 Qg5 (with equal position- Rg8 is playable)

In this case my opponent choose another defending style- the clear
and more worse gxh6- now castling kingside is as good as impossible.
He also decided to try to keep the worthless h-pawn which is

Ever tried to play against the halloween gambit in four knights.LOL I
advice you to prepare- but maybe you just play sicilian- poisoned
pawn anytime...

Regards, Nils.

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Have had the halloween put on me a few times in speed...no biggee.

Most people know what I play...hell the nick gives it away right off the
bat...but the PCG is my baby.

I play that stuff alot against people here...against you...yeah
sicillian...I am a tough nut to crack when I play my Najdorf.

We shall see who ends up in the final...I might make it to the second
round...but I have alot of tough comp...and so do you!

Good Luck.

Any more opening stuff we can discuss it in the "Theory Forum" if you


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My secret weapon is the King's Gambit! Works every time!

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Not on me


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Shut up! Let's compare.......... Tony- Likes to attack
people........doesn't really get anywhere with it! USCF around 1750
when I level out VS. NM Dave - Actually attacks people.......likes
tactics and uses them ALOT(!!) ! USCF around 2250 (so I hear!) Let's
face it.........you could play that h4 h5 h6 stuff that gbgnils has going
on and beat me! Cocky S.O.B.! Hehehe..........just kidding Dave!
Really not but hey! I knew you were gonna post something like that!

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2219 actually...but who is counting.

Tony you are doing really well on here as well as in your OTB games
so don't fret.


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I actually just played an extremely funny chess game on chess.net a
moment ago.......I'm white! This should go into chess theory but

[Event "Online game"]
[Site "chess.net"]
[Date "2002.08.10"]
[Round "?"]
[White "t0ned0g"]
[Black "spetum"]
[Result "1-0"]

1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Bc4 Qe7 4. Nc3 c6 5. d4 g5 6. Nf3 Bg7 7. O-O
Qb4 8.Bxf7+!! Kxf7 9. Nxg5+ Ke8 10. Qh5+ Kd8 11. Nf7+ Kc7
12.Bxf4+ d6 13. Bxd6+ Qxd6 14. Nxd6 Kxd6 15. e5+ Kc7 16. Rf7+
Bd7 17. e6 Nf6 18. Qe5+ Kd8 19.Rxg7

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The king's gambit is ridiculous and you will loose if you try that on me.
I have hoped for a refutation but it han't come yet. I will take that
pawn and I will keep it and promote it. I take it you play the Muzio?

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Wow......that was kind of rude.......of course there isn't a refutation to
the KG......It's a sound gambit........You tell Boris Spassky that the KG
was sound and he would smash you down. And you would smash me
down, because your rating and talent is higher than mine! Your
Halloween Attack is also ridiculous and would loose to anyone your
rating, and that's the same for your little h-pawn attack......plz I don't
want to argue about this......Why would you just come out with this
cocky attitude for no reason?

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Just messing with your opening choice, no offense. This is the second
player I have upset here, I will really try not to let my confidence shine
through so much. Sorry again.

Actually I have worked very hard on the KG- I have played very many
games with it and it is the opening where I have scored most wins with.

However something in my nature tell me that it is wrong, that being
one pawn up is sufficient. I also do not like openings with tactical
nature. Surely the KG is great for blitz games and for amateur games
and yes, some masters today play it with success. White gets an
awesome initiative- that's for sure.

When it comes to Kadas and Halloween gambit- I never stated these
to be correct- but, like the king's gambit- they are awesome blitz

Anyway- my defence do not let you play the KG anyway 😉.

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No problem.....you shoulda probly stuck Just Kidding at the end of the
post though......I have a bad temper........hehehe........What is your

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