1750-2000, I like UltimateWin to... win.
1550-1749, marinakatomb
and in B, Talem16
1525-1549, Llewelly
1500-1524, Luck
1475-1499, pineapple42
1450-1474, trompie
1425-1449, Lockheed
1400-1424, Peachy
1375-1399, headsy
1350-1374, SWEDE 77
1325-1349, Wildfire
1300-1324, UmbrageOfSnow
1275-1299, cevans
1250-1274, mantawa
1225-1249, ntopliffe
1200-1224, Starrman
1099-1199, blindcheesecake
1-1099, MercifulWolf
These are my picks to go the distance in their respective categories. Good luck to all partcipants.
I think it takes a certain amount of humbleness and lack of arrogance for one to assume they're going to win. im in the 1225-1249 and am not in bad shape, but that doesn't necessarily mean im going to win. the very player i picked to win is the on im having trouble with now. in 1 game im getting the bizniz, in the other its about even piece wise but i'm in an inferior offensive position.
If I were a betting man, I'd put my money on TheKnight1962.
I also think Sardodos and dinc168 have the talent to take it if they get on a good run.
If I can stay sober long enough to figure out which one the horsey is and which one the preacher-guy is, I might give the knight, the cod, and the fruit a run for their money. 😛