Having opted out of the current tournament because of a theoretical
holiday that may or may not happen sometime at the end of
September, I am now feeling thoroughly left out and despondent as
all the results start rolling in. The only solution is more tournaments,
surely - lots of them, even bigger and better and preferably starting
mid October. Any of you wonderful organiser types fancy taking up the
challenge? All efforts are much appreciated incidentally.
Yeah, let's be careful not to have TOO many tourneys at once-- at
GameKnot.com, I am playing in the 7th GK Tournament, and the
SECOND is still in progress! I do sympathize with anyone who feels
left out-- all I can say is, keep playing until the next one, and you'll
be that much more ready for it.
I'm trying to come up with some kind of novel idea for the next one
(mostly because I want it to be named after me!), but have drawn a
blank so far. I'm tempted to suggest a Pawn Stars Only tournament,
but I don't want to seem exclusionary-- I do realize that some people
lack stars simply because they lack the finances at the moment. I
also like the idea of a "fast" tourney-- use the three-day timeout
instead of the seven. Or-- Russ and Chris-- is there a way to add an
even quicker option, or is that too much of a hassle? I know some
sites offer a one-day timeout. Now THAT tournament would be a test
of one's committment to playing Internet chess, at the expense of
jobs, family, and all other obligations. Sounds right up my alley...
The Dark Squire
Yeah OK, I think I was a bit tipsy when I suggested a tournament
every other day. Waiting until this one is at least approaching
completion would seem sensible. I'd like to take part in one though.
I'm at my highest ever rating at the moment (1478 - no idea how that
happened) so I'm quite keen to test myself out under the white hot
pressure of a championship situation.