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non subscribers tournaments

non subscribers tournaments


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I'm quite new here and I'm curious if it it is possible to participate in a tournament whitout being a subscriber. All the tournaments I wanted to join where subscibers only.

Where can I find the RedHotPawn Open, haha


Praeses 🙄

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sorry dude, tournies are for subs only.

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Originally posted by Praeses
I'm quite new here and I'm curious if it it is possible to participate in a tournament whitout being a subscriber. All the tournaments I wanted to join where subscibers only.

Where can I find the RedHotPawn Open, haha


Praeses 🙄
Non subscriber tournaments are started every blue moon that falls on the 30th February.

Not sure when the next one is due but it will not be for a while.


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Originally posted by adramforall
Non subscriber tournaments are started every blue moon that falls on the 30th February.

Not sure when the next one is due but it will not be for a while.

That's great. In that case I'll just wait.

P.S. Are Clans also for subs only, or is it possible to get invited just because I'm a F***ing brilliant chessplayer.

Tha Praes

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Yes, no.

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Originally posted by Praeses
That's great. In that case I'll just wait.

P.S. Are Clans also for subs only, or is it possible to get invited just because I'm a F***ing brilliant chessplayer.

Tha Praes
Yes they are for subs only and yes you could get invited but you'd be told to subscribe before you could join the Clan.

Maybe not quite that brilliant though lol

Game 2317061


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