there is a tournament: February 2011 Mini Banded Threesomes 1500-1550 .....
..... where only 3 players have an eligible rating, it is not as though some of the players ratings have recently dropped below the threshold - how is this possible?
Originally posted by KewpieI still think that the entry rating should be based on your highest rating ever and not just on the last 12 months.
Tournament entry rating (TER) is on individual profiles, and is supposed to not fall more than 100 points below your highest rating in the last year. Most people's everyday rating moves up and down a couple of hundred points but they should be sorted out by using the TER.
Originally posted by Keggetotally agree, playing in a 1375-1400, one player is 1547 and his average is 1541 for 90 days and 1554 for 12 months, how did he manage to enter? hes been in the 1700 not long ago. guess there is too many players wanting to get "tropheys" at any cost
I still think that the entry rating should be based on your highest rating ever and not just on the last 12 months.
With regard to TER, I think it can cut both ways. Thus, I like the one year limitation, if that is the case, for TER. Anything to help preclude a strong player with an artificially low current rating using a high tournament entry rating to get into a high rated tournament.
For example, say a player at 1250 uses a high TER from the distant past to get into a 1800+ tournament. Then there is me the 1850 player, unsuspecting entering the tournament, expecting to play 1800+ players or so. And then find a player 1250 in the tournament??
Thus, I am at 1850 and I enter an 1800+ tournament, and then find one of my opponents has a 1250 rating. He used a high TER from years ago to get into the tournament. Sucks. If I beat this lowly 1250 player, I get no rating points (maybe 1 point), and if I lose, I get killed on rating points. But he is a strong player.
If one (e.g., me at 1850) cares about their numerical rating, it is not fun to play an opponent who has a 1250 rating but in reality is an 1800+ player.
Of course all scenarios discussed in this thread I guess are technically within the rules. I am not too bothered by it.
If one (e.g., me at 1850) cares about their numerical rating, it is not fun to play an opponent who has a 1250 rating but in reality is an 1800+ player.Likewise if I enter a banded tournament for 0 - 1150 I really do not want to play an opponent with a tournament rating of 1270! Why is this player allowed in this 'lowly' tournament???
Originally posted by granO2Because the TER is the Tournament ENTRY Rating. It only controls what ratings range can enter the tournament. It does not dictate what ratings range you must stay in to continue to play in the tournament. Tournaments last long enough (especially at the longer time controls) to easily imagine that some of the players might improve out of the Entry Ratings Range. In rare cases, a player might win a big game and shoot his rating up a hundred points after entering, but before the tournament actually starts.
Likewise if I enter a banded tournament for 0 - 1150 I really do not want to play an opponent with a tournament rating of 1270! Why is this player allowed in this 'lowly' tournament???
I am currently in December 2010 mini banded quartets 11 1600-1650 banded tournament. I entered this tournament on the basis that all players would be rated within or close to this band. Unfortunately one of the players is currently rated at 1932 which makes a mockery of the banding.It is simply an unfair contest. I don't accept that the player in question has miraculously improved his game by 300 odd points since the tournament started and checking his stats which reveal 106 wins to only 4 losses and his graph which is steadily climbing, he surely must have been aware that his true rating was far above the tournament entry rating. I notice he has only been a member since december last year so I accept his rating had to start off lower to begin with but to my mind this is a no excuse for entering a tournament so far below his true level. You can call it sandbagging or cheating or whatever but I don't like to see it on this site and I can see many others feel the same. If i draw this unfairly matched opponent in the next round I plan to resign my games against him and urge others to do the same. No points will be lost if done within the 1st 3 moves. Until better controls come in the likelihood is that more and more people will start boycotting or withdrawing from tournaments and that can't be good for this site