Originally posted by cubitussorry i never came back to reap the rewards of my spot on humor, i forgot i was talking to you 😉
So my friend irontigran believes he's superior? Then he must be, from his big big big 1367 rating...
and my big bad 1367 is only that way so i can cheat and win hundreds of dollars in tournaments.. 😛
and ill give you a free tip for the 1.e4 e5 2.Qf3!!! tourney, try to block a checkmate on the f7 square, or you might get checkmated
Originally posted by irontigranwhat a fun investment, i completely forgot i wrote this, and now i get a second laugh! 😉 thanks C 🙂
sorry i never came back to reap the rewards of my spot on humor, i forgot i was talking to you 😉
and my big bad 1367 is only that way so i can cheat and win hundreds of dollars in tournaments.. 😛
and ill give you a free tip for the 1.e4 e5 2.Qf3!!! tourney, try to block a checkmate on the f7 square, or you might get checkmated