Originally posted by pidermanI think that it's just because Russ needs to start the tournaments manually, and so when the tournament starts depends not only on when the tournament is full, but also on when this comes to Russ' attention, either by him checking the tournament page, or someone droping a note to him.
But it is true, that overall tournaments start very late. Would Russ care to explain why this is the case?
Why the tournments don't start automatically once the tournament is fully subscribed, I don't know. It does seem like the kind of thing that could well be automated.
I have to note though that this problem does tend to affect mostly newbies - I know I was itching to get to play in my first tournament when I joined, and the wait after the tournament was fully subscribed seemed like pure toruture! 🙄 Now I'm more laid back about these things.... 😏