Most people would agree that the pages for both tournaments were
tremendous. I'm very envious of both your ability and will to create
and maintain something like that for as long as you did! Very
appreciative of your efforts.
Will miss your superb wit in the forums too :o)
The Squirrel Lover
...which I find a damn shame. I never expected anyone to put that
kind of effort in, but I appreciated it while it was there - it was great
for seeing who was winning, who was playing fast or slow, who I might
meet, and also prompted me to look at games that had been played
and realise that I could thoroughly enjoy doing it (if not always
understand it).
I guess what I'm trying to say is thank you for what you have done,
and don't stay away forever... I'm just glad we have a game on so I
have some link to you,
Best regards,
Michael, I understand your decision, I think. But given the amount of time that I have been using your pages, I must say, I will
miss them. You created them when there was nothing. A lot of work, good sense. I can only hope that at least some of the
concepts will be re-used. Thanks again. Gil.