Intelligent? Design

Intelligent? Design


Walk your Faith


24 May 04
16 Nov 16

Originally posted by Rank outsider
As I said, quoting chapter and verse has made no difference to your view.

My claim was that this work was not primarily a medical work, but the work of a Christian trying to substantiate his beliefs by reference to the medical pronouncements in the Bible.

When I give you a 'chapter and verse' example of his partial and biased conclusions, you jus ...[text shortened]... t you lap it up without a moment's critical thought simply because it accords with your beliefs.
You didn't say worth changing my mind over.
Is it your opinion that had I said, "OH MY YOUR RIGHT" that alone would prove I'm not
acting with bias?

What medical pronouncement in the Bible is not sound?

The text was written to people without modern knowledge and served them right when
and were they were. You think there was something faulty about that, what is your

I've yet to see something from you that actually addresses the soundness of the text
within that time period. Is it your desire to just be contrary, or do you have an actual point
to make?


11 Oct 04
16 Nov 16
1 edit

Originally posted by KellyJay
You didn't say worth changing my mind over.
Is it your opinion that had I said, "OH MY YOUR RIGHT" that alone would prove I'm not
acting with bias?

What medical pronouncement in the Bible is not sound?

The text was written to people without modern knowledge and served them right when
and were they were. You think there was something faulty about th ...[text shortened]... hat time period. Is it your desire to just be contrary, or do you have an actual point
to make?
So you believe that dripping bird blood over a patient who has had leprosy 7 times is an appropriate part of his treatment and medically sound?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
16 Nov 16

Originally posted by Rank outsider
As I said, quoting chapter and verse has made no difference to your view.

My claim was that this work was not primarily a medical work, but the work of a Christian trying to substantiate his beliefs by reference to the medical pronouncements in the Bible.

When I give you a 'chapter and verse' example of his partial and biased conclusions, you jus ...[text shortened]... t you lap it up without a moment's critical thought simply because it accords with your beliefs.
"I would ask you whether you think bird sacrifice, and dripping blood on the patient, is a medically appropriate practice before someone is admitted back into society having previously suffered from leprosy, but I can find the 'cut and paste' defence for myself on the internet. "

You think that sacrifice is medical advice?

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
16 Nov 16

Originally posted by KellyJay
I think you have a good point, but unlike modern times you do not have the ability to say
cook pork at 350 for 2 hours. Taking all the guess work out of the equation seems like a
much simpler set of directions to me.
In other words, keep the savages in the dark, don't be caught actually teaching them something. I wonder how many people died before that edict was written? Who didn't have to with just some sound advice?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
16 Nov 16

Originally posted by Rank outsider
So you believe that dripping bird blood over a patient who has had leprosy 7 times is an appropriate part of his treatment and medically sound?
No, I think it had nothing to do with being medically sound. I think it had to with making
sure a person cleaned of leprosy was cleaned and the ceremony of confirming it. Unlike
the modern fakers of the spiritual kind that tell people they just prayed over that they are
healed and they should trust the Lord and not take their meds or some other thing to
prove their faith, that was not how it was done in the OT or NT.

You had to be checked out and a ceremony was done to declare the leper was clean.
Even Jesus when He healed those with leprosy told them to go to the priest, Jesus did
not just send them on their way. So all that bird blood did was keep things properly and in

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
16 Nov 16

Originally posted by sonhouse
In other words, keep the savages in the dark, don't be caught actually teaching them something. I wonder how many people died before that edict was written? Who didn't have to with just some sound advice?
People were put in the dark by their own choices. All we had to do was avoid a fruit and
we didn't. The end result was people were left to their own devices, even within the
Jewish community where these things were known it didn't stop the practices, we tend to
want what we want when we want it.


11 Oct 04
16 Nov 16

Originally posted by KellyJay
"I would ask you whether you think bird sacrifice, and dripping blood on the patient, is a medically appropriate practice before someone is admitted back into society having previously suffered from leprosy, but I can find the 'cut and paste' defence for myself on the internet. "

You think that sacrifice is medical advice?
Actually I don't think the Bible makes any medical recommendations about the treatment of leprosy. It is clear in the Bible that this is not seen as a disease but rather as a spiritual problem. There is no suggestion that isolation is required to prevent the spread of a disease. It is just necessary to remove the outcast from society.

However, it is your doctor who claims that the practices recommended in the Bible are sound medically. If he does this for some practices recommended for lepers he should do it for all.

The fact that he selects the one element that is medically sound and ignored those that are both ludicrous and potentially harmful demonstrates that he is not interested in assessing the Bible from a medical perspective but a Christian one.

Which is all I claimed.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
16 Nov 16

Originally posted by Rank outsider
Actually I don't think the Bible makes any medical recommendations about the treatment of leprosy. It is clear in the Bible that this is not seen as a disease but rather as a spiritual problem. There is no suggestion that isolation is required to prevent the spread of a disease. It is just necessary to remove the outcast from society.

However, it ...[text shortened]... n assessing the Bible from a medical perspective but a Christian one.

Which is all I claimed.
Are you serous, not a disease. I think we are done.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
16 Nov 16

Originally posted by KellyJay
People were put in the dark by their own choices. All we had to do was avoid a fruit and
we didn't. The end result was people were left to their own devices, even within the
Jewish community where these things were known it didn't stop the practices, we tend to
want what we want when we want it.
That brings in the plot problem. An all knowing omniscient god would have no need for such tests, since it would have known the outcome of such tests before they were ever given and to say that all humans are punished because of the failure of one person is just another ploy with the motive of control of populations.

It is an entirely human thing to want tests of loyalty and such since we are not telepathic and such.


11 Oct 04
16 Nov 16

Originally posted by KellyJay
Are you serous, not a disease. I think we are done.
Of course. I predicted as much.

And yet you have not addressed any of the issues I raised as evidence of the doctor's bias on the topic, even when I have given 'chapter and verse'.

Which demonstrates that your bleating about my not quoting him was simply you being disingenuous and not wishing to enter into a debate about his obvious bias and the lack of medical credibility in his work.


11 Oct 04
16 Nov 16

Originally posted by KellyJay
All we had to do was avoid a fruit.....
The first Biblical warning about the perils of tooth decay caused by fruit acid....

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
16 Nov 16

Originally posted by Rank outsider
Of course. I predicted as much.

And yet you have not addressed any of the issues I raised as evidence of the doctor's bias on the topic, even when I have given 'chapter and verse'.

Which demonstrates that your bleating about my not quoting him was simply you being disingenuous and not wishing to enter into a debate about his obvious bias and the lack of medical credibility in his work.
Debating what?
Everyone has a bias if you are a live and have a thought about a topic there is a bias.
What I said was that he is an MD therefore when he looked at the topic he did it with an
MD view point, he has nothing else to use but what he is. You think that some how
disqualifies him to speak upon a medical topic and his degrees do not lend themselves
to show his credibility? You show your own lack of understanding on qualifications for
such a view.

Your lack of specifics and point of view that leprosy isn't a disease shows me you have
not much understanding on topic of diseases as well.

Your brought up the bird blood I answered directly, even if you choose to ignore it.

So now you may go on and insult me again, belittle a doctor for not having understanding
about medical field while you claim leprosy isn't a disease and make yourself look good
in your own eyes. I'm not going to entertain anything else from you on this topic unless
you actually bring up something worth discussion.


11 Oct 04
16 Nov 16

Originally posted by KellyJay
Debating what?
Everyone has a bias if you are a live and have a thought about a topic there is a bias.
What I said was that he is an MD therefore when he looked at the topic he did it with an
MD view point, he has nothing else to use but what he is. You think that some how
disqualifies him to speak upon a medical topic and his degrees do not lend themse ...[text shortened]... n anything else from you on this topic unless
you actually bring up something worth discussion.
Well, I didn't claim leprosy wasn't a disease.

Care to retract that?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
16 Nov 16

Originally posted by Rank outsider
Well, I didn't claim leprosy wasn't a disease.

Care to retract that?
No I will not since you said it was not according to scripture which leads me to believe you know little about either topic.


11 Oct 04
16 Nov 16
3 edits

Originally posted by KellyJay
No I will not since you said it was not according to scripture which leads me to believe you know little about either topic.
You can look back and see your mistake and that what you have claimed I have said is untrue.

That it was the basis of your argument in the previous post, but you are not prepared to accept your error, and correct it, is indicative of your unwillingness to engage in debate sensibly.

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