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29 Dec 08
07 Oct 14

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Is it really impossible to escape making a moral judgement?

Ice climbing in winter is dangerous, extremely dangerous and yet no one thinks of it in terms of morality. Its viewed almost exclusively as an extreme sport. A challenge and a source of recreation. Yet to those who value the sanctity of life one must of necessity make a moral decision re ...[text shortened]... but one can state without reservation that its extremely dangerous and that with some certainty.
OK I think we have worked this point as far as it merits.


26 Aug 07
07 Oct 14

Originally posted by JS357
OK I think we have worked this point as far as it merits.
so is ice climbing moral or immoral, or neither?

29 Dec 08
07 Oct 14
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
so is ice climbing moral or immoral, or neither?
It depends. I could find myself judging as moral failure, a 35 year old father of 4 whose wife is home schooling the kids, who goes with his buddies to try ice climbing. But putting the well being of his family at unnecessary risk is the failure. It could be something other than ice climbing. I guess it depends, for me, on the risk of harm to innocent others. What do you think?


26 Aug 07
07 Oct 14
1 edit

Originally posted by JS357
It depends. I could find myself judging as moral failure, a 35 year old father of 4 whose wife is home schooling the kids, who goes with his buddies to try ice climbing. But putting the well being of his family at unnecessary risk is the failure. It could be something other than ice climbing. I guess it depends, for me, on the risk of harm to innocent others. What do you think?
yes it becomes at once an issue of morality in such a circumstance, for it puts not only his own life but the well-being and prosperity of his family at risk which is morally reprehensible, although, ice climbing is not something one does on a whim, it needs equipment and training, but of course that not the point. Does it become less morally reprehensible for a single man with no family and years of experience?

16 Jan 07
07 Oct 14

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Anecdotal evidence, conjecture and downright silly analogies masquerading as facts. Is there no end to the slobber and drool?
i like to think my experience counts for slightly more than anecdotal evidence. but then i guess you are not really interested in the truth, you are much more interested in painting a simple, tabloid like conclusion that fits with your preconceptions.


26 Aug 07
07 Oct 14

Originally posted by stellspalfie
i like to think my experience counts for slightly more than anecdotal evidence. but then i guess you are not really interested in the truth, you are much more interested in painting a simple, tabloid like conclusion that fits with your preconceptions.
dude, dont be like that, its not so bad.

29 Dec 08
07 Oct 14

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
yes it becomes at once an issue of morality in such a circumstance, for it puts not only his own life but the well-being and prosperity of his family at risk which is morally reprehensible, although, ice climbing is not something one does on a whim, it needs equipment and training, but of course that not the point. Does it become less morally reprehensible for a single man with no family and years of experience?
I'm just reporting on my gut reactions, I'm not trying to justify them. I think I'd feel less disgust at a guy who wasn't risking anyone else's well being, either by not having dependents, or by being experienced, or both. But at least in the US, typically, if there were a rescue needed, somebody would be put at risk. However that's their free choice, to rescue him.

So getting back to the point -- morality aside, what's wrong with something being "artificial?"

16 Feb 08
07 Oct 14
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Its none of your business what social media sites that i use and I would not give you an ounce of personal information. Quite frankly I am sick of people like you who seem intent to reduce every single debate or discussion to a personal level. If you cannot discuss the subject objectively then I would be much obliged if you simply did not try to engage me.
You implied that Facebook was a portal for immorality (among others); I'm not asking you for "personal information", just whether or not you use the site. Feigning indignance that this is a "personal issue" is just silly.

So do you (in real life) use Facebook?

16 Jan 07
07 Oct 14
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
dude, dont be like that, its not so bad.
great input, thanks. your involvement in this thread has so far been nothing less than scintillating.


26 Aug 07
07 Oct 14

Originally posted by JS357
I'm just reporting on my gut reactions, I'm not trying to justify them. I think I'd feel less disgust at a guy who wasn't risking anyone else's well being, either by not having dependents, or by being experienced, or both. But at least in the US, typically, if there were a rescue needed, somebody would be put at risk. However that's their free choice, to rescu ...[text shortened]...
So getting back to the point -- morality aside, what's wrong with something being "artificial?"
its not real


24 Apr 10
08 Oct 14
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
its not real
A horror movie is also not real but artificial. Is it therefore bad? A musical is about as artificial as things can get. Is that bad?

(incoming answer: “This thread is about pornography, not horror movies nor musicals.” )

29 Dec 08
08 Oct 14

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
its not real
You are avoiding the ultimate statement.

It's "artificial."

Its wrong because it's "not real."

Suppose that is granted.


Get to it, robbie.

It's, it's... c'mon...!


26 Aug 07
08 Oct 14

Originally posted by Great King Rat
A horror movie is also not real but artificial. Is it therefore bad? A musical is about as artificial as things can get. Is that bad?

(incoming answer: “This thread is about pornography, not horror movies nor musicals.” )
Is a horror movie a substitute for werewolves and vampires to watch while they should be out howling at the moon and gorging themselves on freshly acquired ladies who leave their bedroom windows open at night! EPIC FAIL man! EPIC.


26 Aug 07
08 Oct 14
1 edit

Originally posted by JS357
You are avoiding the ultimate statement.

It's "artificial."

Its wrong because it's "not real."

Suppose that is granted.


Get to it, robbie.

It's, it's... c'mon...!
Its not the artificiality that is the issue per se, although clearly if one is substituting artificiality for healthy relationships and meeting 'real people', and doing, 'real things', rather than existing in a kind of virtual world then that is not good, because its second rate at best. Its simply not possible to get the same sense of grandeur of a mountain peak by watching it on TV as when you climb the mountain yourself, surely?


24 Apr 10
08 Oct 14

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Is a horror movie a substitute for werewolves and vampires to watch while they should be out howling at the moon and gorging themselves on freshly acquired ladies who leave their bedroom windows open at night! EPIC FAIL man! EPIC.
You’re the one babbling about how the fact that it’s not real is why it’s bad.

People who watch horror movies get a temporal scare from what they see. People who watch porn get temporally aroused by what they see.

If anything, porn - while fake - is a lot more real than horror.

People can imagine themselves in the place of the porn actor a lot easier than in the place of the schoolgirl being chased by a werewolf.

Explain again why one is bad while the other isn’t.