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16 Jan 07
06 Oct 14

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I am not entirely convinced it is the same, people do not get sexually aroused by watching chess, well not normally. Have you ever watched a chess game? its probably about the driest spectator sport you can get and one is likely to dose off in a day dream. I am not saying that it does not provide stimulus and excitement, but its of a different natu ...[text shortened]... ted but it amounts to the same thing) his eight year old sister after watching porn on the xbox.
my experience is that there is usually a lot more important factors and complex issues in the lives of children who rape other than watching porn. i bet my mortgage that anybody who commits rape would do so regardless of how much porn they watch. im sure if you watched a man eat poo a thousand times over and over you would never acquire the need to eat a turd sandwich.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
06 Oct 14
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Morality aside for the moment, the issue with pornography is that it takes something natural, that being the need for sexual intimacy and fulfils that need, artificially. Its like having no money and peering desirously into the sweet shop window and what happens is you end up merely licking the glass and dreaming about those tasty sweets inside. In ...[text shortened]... this instance. So many lonely people sucking up images into their minds. It cannot be healthy.
Originally posted by robbie carrobie
"Morality aside for the moment, the issue with pornography is that it takes something natural, that being the need for sexual intimacy and fulfils that need, artificially. Its like having no money and peering desirously into the sweet shop window and what happens is you end up merely licking the glass and dreaming about those tasty sweets inside. In other words, its a poor substitute for the real thing."

Similar to the subordinated compensatory, vicarious pleasures some derive from exotic food channels in this country. Sad.


26 Aug 07
06 Oct 14
1 edit

Originally posted by stellspalfie
my experience is that there is usually a lot more important factors and complex issues in the lives of children who rape other than watching porn. i bet my mortgage that anybody who commits rape would do so regardless of how much porn they watch. im sure if you watched a man eat poo a thousand times over and over you would never acquire the need to eat a turd sandwich.
Anecdotal evidence, conjecture and downright silly analogies masquerading as facts. Is there no end to the slobber and drool?

16 Feb 08
06 Oct 14

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Anecdotal evidence, conjecture and downright silly analogies masquerading as fact. In other words, slobber and drool.
Do you use Facebook? You mentioned it on the previous page and I'm curious if you use the site.


26 Aug 07
06 Oct 14
1 edit

Originally posted by divegeester
Do you use Facebook? You mentioned it on the previous page and I'm curious if you use the site.
Its none of your business what social media sites that i use and I would not give you an ounce of personal information. Quite frankly I am sick of people like you who seem intent to reduce every single debate or discussion to a personal level. If you cannot discuss the subject objectively then I would be much obliged if you simply did not try to engage me.


28 Oct 05
06 Oct 14

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[Looking at pornography is ] similar to the subordinated compensatory, vicarious pleasures some derive from exotic food channels in this country. Sad.
Is it sad? I have friends who watch all manner of programmes on food channels on the telly here and then go out in search of the necessary herbs and spices and other ingredients ~ or improvise with locally available equivalents ~ and then try their hand at cooking things, albeit sometimes mere approximations.

Even if they don't go to that extent, which I am sure they don't always, is it really "sad" as you say? Don't food channels offer education and insight on cuisine and culture and, all in all, some small opportunity to broaden one's horizons and gather some knowledge about the diversity found in the world in which we all live (and eat)?

I don't think the similarity with consuming pornography that you suggest is a particularly telling one. I think teenagers' expectations of sexual intimacy being distorted by depictions of soulless porn is "sad" ~ especially the bleak reality for young women as their male counterparts take their cues from material where women are often portrayed as mere recepticals.

I don't really see anything "similar" between this and people being interested in food programmes on TV.


28 Oct 05
07 Oct 14
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Its none of your business what social media sites that i use and I would not give you an ounce of personal information.
On the previous page you talked about having a young teenage boy, whose age you were not sure of, in your car, and how you let this young boy play stuff over your car stereo via bluetooth, and how his mobile phone is linked to yours, and you talked about how you looked at some porn he had accidentally sent you, and about how you "caught" him etc. etc. So much for 'not giving an ounce of personal information'.

Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
07 Oct 14

LOL man from blood transfusions to porn .......... I agree with R.C. in one thing and it's this that porn is a poor substitute for the real thing and well coming from a Christian world view there is more to life than sex have many potential vices in this world to deal with ....Porn being one of many things. I think it cheapens what God intended and degrades it also it does give false expectations haha 🙂



26 Aug 07
07 Oct 14

Originally posted by JS357
"I am not entirely convinced it is the same, people do not get sexually aroused by watching chess, well not normally."

The distinction you were making between sexual intimacy and watching sexual intimacy was that one is "natural" and the other is "artificial." I say, So what?

I suggested that the two activities, participating in sexual intimacy and watch ...[text shortened]... there can be negative consequences in terms of unrealistic expectations and lowered self esteem.
The distinction you were making between sexual intimacy and watching sexual intimacy was that one is "natural" and the other is "artificial." I say, So what?

After some deliberation, I have come to the conclusion that its not really the same thing. You used the comparison of a chess game. When one engages in watching a chess game, one is actively involved, looking at variations, subjecting them to falsification, pondering over the last move, its entirely interactive because by its nature its a cerebral game. This appears to me to be quite different from viewing pornography where one has no way of interacting on any level other than an artificial fantasy.


26 Aug 07
07 Oct 14

Originally posted by menace71
LOL man from blood transfusions to porn .......... I agree with R.C. in one thing and it's this that porn is a poor substitute for the real thing and well coming from a Christian world view there is more to life than sex have many potential vices in this world to deal with ....Porn being one of many things. I think it cheapens what God intended and degrades it also it does give false expectations haha 🙂

Its also anti-Biblical.


28 Oct 05
07 Oct 14
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
When one engages in watching a chess game, one is actively involved, looking at variations, subjecting them to falsification, pondering over the last move, its entirely interactive because by its nature its a cerebral game.
If you cannot intervene in, influence or affect the outcome of the chess game you are watching then watching it is not an interactive activity at all, let alone "entirely interactive". You've got yourself into a muddle over the difference between "active" and "interactive".

Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
07 Oct 14

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Its also anti-Biblical.


Suzzie says Badger

is Racist Bastard

09 Jun 14
07 Oct 14

Originally posted by menace71

it may be anti- biblical but its a great substitute when the wife has the decorators in.

29 Dec 08
07 Oct 14
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
The distinction you were making between sexual intimacy and watching sexual intimacy was that one is "natural" and the other is "artificial." I say, So what?

After some deliberation, I have come to the conclusion that its not really the same thing. You used the comparison of a chess game. When one engages in watching a chess game, one is activel ...[text shortened]... g pornography where one has no way of interacting on any level other than an artificial fantasy.
Analogies always fail if pushed too far.

But being "artificial?" -- chess is that, both playing and watching.

And they are both OK, no?

So, as you say, "morality aside" -- I find it hard to judge anything morality aside. Maybe that's the issue. we aren't really setting it aside. And that's OK. If I say porn creates unrealistic expectations in the young or inexperienced, how do I say that's a bad thing without bringing in a moral judgement? How do we say watching a chess game is OK?

We can't and should not escape making moral judgements.


26 Aug 07
07 Oct 14
3 edits

Originally posted by JS357
Analogies always fail if pushed too far.

But being "artificial?" -- chess is that, both playing and watching.

And they are both OK, no?

So, as you say, "morality aside" -- I find it hard to judge anything morality aside. Maybe that's the issue. we aren't really setting it aside. And that's OK. If I say porn creates unrealistic expectations in the youn ...[text shortened]... o we say watching a chess game is OK?

We can't and should not escape making moral judgements.
Is it really impossible to escape making a moral judgement?

Ice climbing in winter is dangerous, extremely dangerous and yet no one thinks of it in terms of morality. Its viewed almost exclusively as an extreme sport. A challenge and a source of recreation. Yet to those who value the sanctity of life one must of necessity make a moral decision regarding its suitability. Is ice climbing in winter then moral or immoral, or neither, an evaluation being entirely dependent upon a subjective perspective? Hard to say, but one can state without reservation that its extremely dangerous and that with some certainty.