Prove the trinity.......

Prove the trinity.......


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16 Feb 08
20 Feb 17

Originally posted by Rajk999
The same way a Bible reader must cope with what appears to be contradictions between the law of Moses given to the Jews and the law of Christ given to both Jews and Gentiles.

At the time God said there was no saviour beside him there was in fact none other. Jesus the Son of God was manifested [some time after that statement] to become a saviour of the world.
Oh I see, so Jehovah wasn't speaking to anyone post Christ then? All his words were just for those in the old covenant, is that it?

16 Feb 08
20 Feb 17

Originally posted by Rajk999
The same way a Bible reader must cope with what appears to be contradictions between the law of Moses given to the Jews and the law of Christ given to both Jews and Gentiles.

At the time God said there was no saviour beside him there was in fact none other. Jesus the Son of God was manifested [some time after that statement] to become a saviour of the world.
Galveston75, Robbie Carrobie and roigam, has Jajk999 responded correctly as far as you are concerned? Are the words of Jehovah in the OT only for those of the old covenant?


02 Jan 06
20 Feb 17

Originally posted by galveston75
Prove to me that my everlasting life depends on believing and accepting the trinity. The churches say it is a must, my baptist cousins say it is a must, some here say it is a, lets hear it if you care about me as a human who will burn forever in hell if you don't prove it to me.
When it comes to God, there is no proof, just revelation.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
20 Feb 17
5 edits


Do you have some reason to think that is not universal worship of God and Christ the Lamb in Rev. 5:9-14 ?

Ending with this -

"And every creature which is in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea and all things in them, I heard saying,

To Him Who sits upon the throne ... AND TO THE LAMB ... be the blessing and the honor and the glory and the might forever and ever. "

Afterwards it says the four living creatures said "Amen".

They didn't say - "Hey, Let's not go so far. We should only worship Jehovah and not the Lamb. "

But that's what you say. But read it.

" And the four living creatures said, Amen, And the elders fell down and worshipped." (v.14)

So why do you rebel against worshipping the Redeemer Jesus Christ with Jehovah of the Old Testament ? Did you not read it ?

" ... To Him Who sits upon the throne ... AND TO THE LAMB ... be the blessing and the honor and the glory and the might FOREVER and EVER." (v.13)

I assure you. The more you worship the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God the happier the Father IS.



04 Apr 04
20 Feb 17

Originally posted by divegeester
Oh I see, so Jehovah wasn't speaking to anyone post Christ then? All his words were just for those in the old covenant, is that it?
There are many things which was not revealed by the old prophets but only revealed in the time of Christ and the Apostles.

16 Feb 08
20 Feb 17

Originally posted by Rajk999
There are many things which was not revealed by the old prophets but only revealed in the time of Christ and the Apostles.
Nice dodge 😛


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
20 Feb 17

Originally posted by Rajk999
There are many things which was not revealed by the old prophets but only revealed in the time of Christ and the Apostles.
And the scriptures continue on in saying that the "light would still be getting brighter and brighter" with understanding as time would past until Armageddon.
Then the bible also says that after Armageddon and during Jesus's thousand year reign and no doubt even beyond that, new scrolls will be opened".


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
20 Feb 17

Originally posted by sonship

Do you have some reason to think that is not universal worship of God and Christ the Lamb in [b]Rev. 5:9-14

Ending with this -

[quote] "And every creature which is in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea and all things in them, I heard saying,

To Him Who sits upon the throne ... AND TO THE LAMB ... ...[text shortened]... assure you. The more you worship the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God the happier the Father IS.
And every creature which is in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea and all things in them, I heard saying,

To Him Who sits upon the throne ... AND TO THE LAMB ... be the blessing and the honor and the glory and the might forever and ever. "

I see where it says to honor them and to give them glory, but no words here like worship.
Jesus made it so clear so many times that he is not to be worshiped, it is only his Father that is to be worshiped. Do you need to see those scriptures again?



04 Apr 04
20 Feb 17

Originally posted by divegeester
Nice dodge 😛
It is not a dodge. Isaiah neither Solomon nor David knew everything... as God revealed knowledge to prophets only on a need to know basis. The Bible is clear that only in the latter days was full disclosure particularly on matters pertaining to Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God was revealed to men through prophets and holy men.

Christians who focus on the Old Testament or allow doctrines and laws of that period to supersede the teachings of Christ and the Apostles are going down the wrong road.



04 Apr 04
20 Feb 17

Originally posted by galveston75
And the scriptures continue on in saying that the "light would still be getting brighter and brighter" with understanding as time would past until Armageddon.
Then the bible also says that after Armageddon and during Jesus's thousand year reign and no doubt even beyond that, new scrolls will be opened".
I agree with that, but if you are suggesting that the JWs is part of that source of light which is getting brighter and brighter then you are misled.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
20 Feb 17

Originally posted by Rajk999
I agree with that, but if you are suggesting that the JWs is part of that source of light which is getting brighter and brighter then you are misled.
You are welcomed to have your view...


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
20 Feb 17

Originally posted by galveston75
Prove to me that my everlasting life depends on believing and accepting the trinity. The churches say it is a must, my baptist cousins say it is a must, some here say it is a, lets hear it if you care about me as a human who will burn forever in hell if you don't prove it to me.
Hummmm Still waiting on anyone to prove this to me....



04 Apr 04
20 Feb 17

Originally posted by galveston75
Hummmm Still waiting on anyone to prove this to me....
Can you prove that someone has to be of the JW faith to be in the Kingdom of God?


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
20 Feb 17

Originally posted by Rajk999
Can you prove that someone has to be of the JW faith to be in the Kingdom of God?
You know that answer but...."only Jehovah knows that". But ones daily life and if they are following Jesus's teachings and commands and his examples he set would be a good start.
One would be using his name in our everyday life especially when teaching. To gather with one another, removing themselves from unnecessary fellowship with the world and only giving their allegiance to Jehovah's Kingdom just as Jesus and his followers did and not to some earthly government.
And doing the works just as Jesus described, which is the work of teaching earth wide. Again this is work, not just going to church on Sunday and sitting then going home until next Sunday. But truly doing the work that Jesus commissioned us to do.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
20 Feb 17

Originally posted by leunammi
I would like to know own the difference between 'Almighty God' and 'mighty god', JW have an answer?
Why yes I do. First lets get a couple scriptures here to get a little insight from it.

Jesus’ opposers accused him of making himself equal to God. (John 5:18; 10:30-33) However, Jesus never claimed to be on the same level as Almighty God. He said: “The Father is greater than I am.”—John 14:28.

Jesus’ early followers did not view him as being equal to Almighty God. For example, the apostle Paul wrote that after Jesus was resurrected, God “exalted him [Jesus] to a superior position.” Obviously, Paul did not believe that Jesus was Almighty God. Otherwise, how could God exalt Jesus to a superior position? —Philippians 2:9.

So simply put Jehovah is on a level of strength or power or authority as we understand it that Jesus is not. Jesus is in the second highest level of power and righteousness in existence only to his Father.
Second as for as position such as a Kings authority over a Prince would be a good example. The King has the finale say so in everything. The prince would have a secondary say so and either the King would allow his Prince to make a ruling or an important decision to make and let it stand or the King would veto it and make the ruling himself.
Now I'm using this human based example but this would be easy to understand from our view point with this.

It's an interesting point in that scripture, in that we know that Jesus from his Creation onward was at God's side. No other creation in the spirit realm was ever in that position as Jesus was.
But notice that after Jesus was resurrected and went back to heaven to be once again by Jehovah's side, that Jesus was now exalted and given even more importance and responsibilities then he had before. One of the biggest was he was now going to be King over his Fathers Kingdom which included the earth and would lead his Fathers plans to get rid of Satan and bring the earth back to a paradise in due time.

So yes Jehovah is the "Almighty God" with no equal. His son Jesus is also referred to as a God and rightly so. He has responsibilities that we could never imagine but he also has the angels to help him. So yes he rightly deserves our admiration and complete allegiance, but it is only his Father that we worship. Jesus conveys this to his Father when we pray thru him. That is why Jesus is also called the Word or spokesman. He is the one that we go thru to speak to God thru our prayers.
Does this help a little?