We have had a recent flurry of feedback regarding problems with the RHP board interface. We have now realised this is due to problems when using this site with IE 8, which is still in beta.
If you experience any issues using IE8, please revert to either IE7 or an alternative, such as Firefox, when using this site.
I would also respectfully ask people to report if they are using beta browsers when reporting RHP bugs. Thanks. (Admittedly, we should have noticed this earlier.)
Thanks to "Fiestytom" who pointed us in the right direction with this one.
Having taken a quick look at this issue now, it can be easily solved by using the "Compatibility View" button - right next to the refresh button.
This is not a permanent solution, but it means you can continue to use RHP on IE8 Beta 2 without any further problems - there is in fact no need to revert back to IE7 as I first assumed.