As a first step at addressing some persisting clan issues, I have created a series of votes regarding changes to the clans as they stand now.
These consultation votes are only available to those eligible for clan play. (Subscribers)
Please cast your votes.
Preferred MINIMUM clan members before a challenge can be made?
Preferred MAXIMUM number of clans a player can be a member of?
Preferred MAXIMUM clan members permitted in each clan?
@russ saidThank You,
As a first step at addressing some persisting clan issues, I have created a series of votes regarding changes to the clans as they stand now.
These consultation votes are only available to those eligible for clan play. (Subscribers)
Please cast your votes.
Preferred MINIMUM clan members before a challenge can be made?
Preferred MAXIMUM n ...[text shortened]...
[b]Preferred MAXIMUM clan members permitted in each clan?
This will settle some of the issues!
Russ, all subscribers can vote on these questions, yes? Not just clan leaders?
Second question. Can you please clarify the first question? Are you asking for a minimum of clan members a clan must have before they are eligible for clan challenges, or are you asking for a minimum number of clan members a clan must issue each challenge with?
I ask because in the discussion thread, people seem confused as to which the question is talking about. Just asking for clarification.
In addition to some considerations you have put forth, can you give some thought to creating a separate rating for clan games ?
This had been one of the proposals put forth in 2016.
I do realize that this may require some development work.
But it would solve the issue of players using non-clan games to manipulate their ratings for clan games.
Which is what appears to be the case at present.
I have cast my vote on your first question on the assumption that it is meant to represent clan size instead of challenge size.
At this point, I would like to suggest an amendment to the proposal.
It is this.
That any clan of any size can participate in clan challenges.
But they only get awarded points if they meet the minimum clan size.
For example, if the minimum clan size is 5, a 4 player clan can still participate.
But their points don't count in the standings.
The challenges would be like friendlies for that clan.
If they want to compete, they recruit up to minimum clan size.
The benefits of this are:
- small clans are not locked out of clan play.
- new clans can participate while they build up their roster.
- larger clans can still participate against smaller clans and put points on the line. For example, 6 player clan can win or lose points against a 4 player clan in a smaller challenge.
- this proposal will help keep the clan feature vital by not reducing challenge volume.
This proposal recognizes the fact that many small clans may not necessarily want to compete to be at the top of the standings.
They may just like to have small clans and just want to play clan challenges.
We don't want to lock them out of the feature.
The proposal will address the abuse of the feature by certain bad actors.
While some thought needs to go into this (pros/cons), this will be good for the clan system.
@mghrn55 saidI second this. This is a good idea.
I have cast my vote on your first question on the assumption that it is meant to represent clan size instead of challenge size.
At this point, I would like to suggest an amendment to the proposal.
It is this.
That any clan of any size can participate in clan challenges.
But they only get awarded points if they meet the minimum clan size.
For example, if the mi ...[text shortened]... ors.
While some thought needs to go into this (pros/cons), this will be good for the clan system.
@caesar-salad removed their quoted postYou've just agreed with what I've been saying for years!!! 😉
Why does this sound like a Monopoly and hostile takeover by the large Clans to force out the small clans? Happens all the time in business. Capitalism always wins right? The two or three top clans will control who gets to join and play in the Clan System until total collapse of everyone else. I’m probably wrong though. I don’t know. Just something about this seems wrong. Even though I am a Capitalist. Maybe I don’t fully understand everything since I haven’t a horse in the race.
Just wondering if something is going to be done about this individual and associated clan ?
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Thread 180513